Author: iEric
MOD Description:
I simple way to let users/members link to an image that shows up in their profile. If a user haven't entered a link in his/her profile - the profile will look like it usually does. Can be access from ACP to. Incase users have put an improper picture - you can simply remove that. The MOD also adds an icon to the topic an PM profiles, showing if a user have the picture set.
MOD Version: 0.3.0 [RC2]
phpBB Version: 3.0.2
MOD Download: [ 490 kb ]
MODX: 1.2.1

Installation Level: ~Intermediate
Installation Time: ~15 Minutes
Edits: SQL, CSS, templates, style and file edits
Category: Add-on, Cosmetic

The java script file needs to be updated. The file "lpp.js" - and the part that contains the reflection script is outdated. (version 1.7) - It now has version 2.0 inside.
Download: lpp.js ...and replace it with the old one.
Thank you.
Updated the 1st post abuot this.


With a linked picture • When the picture is popped • Normal profile if no picture is set:

Icon in "viewtopic":


User Profile:

User Profile with popped image:

Icon in topic & PM profiles:

The SQL to uninstall is:
Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_users` DROP `user_profile_picture`;
New in 0.3.0
A separate html file. The camera icon in both topic an PM profiles.
The Subsilver2 edits are in the same download.
Hope you'll like it.

EDIT: Text, Link and image changes.
EDIT: Update to 0.2.0
EDIT: Added subsilver2
EDIT: Added Xtras
EDIT: Update to 0.3.0
EDIT: Updated file: lpp.js