The upcoming release of phpBB 3.0.6 will include a brand new captcha system. We are looking for the best captcha plugin from you, the community.
A free bertie will be awarded to the three best captcha plugins. We have the following categories: Community Choice, Team Choice and First Approved. The community choice is chosen by using a poll. The team choice is chosen by the phpBB team internally. The first approved MOD is the first one that gets approved. We will strictly validate them in the order they are submitted.

Here are some basic guidelines that should be followed when creating a captcha plugin.
- Plugins should be editless. Especially no alterations to existing plugins.
- The proper way to make a plugin based on another is extending the class
- Language files should use the name "captcha_<captcha name>.php
- Template files should use the name "captcha_<captcha name>.html
- ACP template files should use the name "captcha_<captcha name>_acp.html
- Demo template files should use the name "captcha_<captcha name>_acp_demo.html
- Plugin files have to use the name "phpbb_<captcha name>_plugin.php
We will be accepting submissions to the MODDB for one month (update: extended to September 4th) after the date of this announcement. All submitted captcha plugins are automatically nominated. The person listed first in a winning MOD will receive the prize.
The following links will help you to get started writing a captcha plugin.
- phpBB Blog: 3.0.6 CAPTCHA plugins and you
- phpBB Wiki: Captchas
- Code forge: Captcha plugins listing
You may discuss this announcement in the discussion topic.