The Support Team is pleased to announce the release of Support Toolkit This release enables 3.0.8 compatibility in the Support Toolkit. Additionally, it enables the user to specify certain posts and private messages for BBCode reparsing.
New Features:
- Added a tool to find potentially dangerous flash BBCodes in posts, PMs and signatures.
- Modify Reparse BBCode tool to allow user to specify post IDs and PM IDs to reparse.
- Add support for phpBB 3.0.8.
- Database cleaner file 3_0_6.php corrupted. (Bug #62484)
The new packages can be downloaded from the STK section of the Customisation Database.
Translations for this release of the STK will be made available in the coming weeks.
When updating from any older Support Toolkit version first delete the old "stk/" directory before uploading the new version.
If you are unfamiliar with the toolkit, please see the Support Toolkit page.
As always, assistance with installation, updating or any of the tools provided with the Toolkit is available in the Support Forum. Please submit any bugs/suggestions to the Support Team Tools bugtracker.
Thank you, and enjoy.
The phpBB Team
You may discuss this announcement in the [Discuss] Support Toolkit released topic.