phpBB QuickInstall is a tool to install a phpBB3 board with a single mouse click. It is ideal for testing MODs, both for MOD authors and other users that want to check out a MOD before installing it on a live board.
phpBB3 QuickInstall was originally created by Igor “igorw” Wiedler in the summer of 2007 and was later partially rewritten by him in march 2008. Since March 2010 this project is maintained by Jari “tumba25” Kanerva.
The installed forums will use their own database, with a qi prefix. phpBB QuickInstall is able to do some minor population of your test boards, if you choose to do so. It also installs AutoMOD and Subsilver2 if you need them. You can manage the test boards in QI so they are easy to delete when you are done testing.
For those that are familiar with this tool, the main difference is that phpBB is no longer included in the QI package. You now need to download the latest phpBB yourself and extract it to the
sources/ directory.
NOTE: phpBB QuickInstall is only intended to be used for local testing and should not be installed on a public/live server.
Getting started
To install QI simply download the latest version and extract it to a directory accessible via a browser. Then download the latest phpBB version and extract it into the sources directory. Make sure boards/, cache/ and qi_config.cfg are writeable by your web server and then point your browser to the QI directory. You will be taken to the settings page and once you have filled in the required information you are good to go.
phpBB QuickInstall lives at github. You can download the 1.1.5 package directly using
this link.
You can obtain support in
[3.0.x] MOD Writers Discussion.
The source code is freely available under GNU GPL version 2. It can be obtained from
If you run into any bugs, please report them to the
MOD Team Tools bug tracker. You can also submit patches via github's pull request feature.
Thank you,
The Modifications Team