We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.2.0-RC1 "Bertie's swing-by". This is the first release candidate of the upcoming phpBB 3.2.0 feature release and introduces major changes and new functionality. Among the new features are a completely revised installer including CLI support, a new BBCode system that adds more power to quotes and supports emojis, and full support for PHP 7.0. As already announced previously, prosilver is now the only supported style and subsilver2 has been removed subsequently. In addition to that, larger code refactorings and improvements where applied to phpBB's backend for an improved performance.
The full changelog is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the release package. You can find the key highlights of this release candidate on the wiki at https://wiki.phpbb.com/Release_Highlights/3.2.0-RC1 and a list of all issues fixed on our tracker at https://tracker.phpbb.com/issues/?filter=13904
The packages can be downloaded from our Area51 downloads site.
The development team thanks everyone who contributed code to this release: Marc, Tristan, Matt, Máté, Richard, Joas, Jakub, lavigor, LaxSlash, JoshyPHP, Tobi, rxu, Andreas, David, Derek, LEZY, Mark, Paul, kasimi, C1n, Callum, Crizzo, Greg, Oliver, RFD, Skouat, cyberalien
If you have any questions or comments, we'll be happy to address them in the discussion topic.
- The phpBB Team
Release Highlights
- Updater - Improved error messages, client handling, cookie domain calculation, etc. PHPBB3-14590 PHPBB3-14589 PHPBB3-14564 ... and more
- Controller resolver - The controller resolver is now able to handle callable functions/objects. PHPBB3-13502
Notable Bug Fixes
- MSSQL - Database migrations with MSSQL now use the correct delimiter preventing any unexpected database errors while updating. PHPBB3-14591
- Report ID - The accidentally removed auto increment was added back to the report id. PHPBB3-14607
- Signature parsing - Signatures will now be correctly parsed again in case they were not changed before submitting the form. PHPBB3-14530
- URL parsing - Shortened URLs properly link to the link instead of the link text again. PHPBB3-14527