This is a reminder to all users to upgrade as soon as possible to 2.0.11. Remember, the issue leading to this release was extremely serious. It gave rise to the possibility for persons to "install" scripts, delete files and otherwise access your system. If you have upgraded, be sure to check your account/system for suspicious files, etc. If you have any concerns please raise them in the support forum here at
You should always be aware of what files are present on your system, that is good practice. If you run your own server you should install (wherever) possible tripwire or similar applications to limit the potential damage exploits (in phpBB and other software) may cause.
Now, let me reiterate something ... we do take security issues seriously. It's incredibly infuriating for us to read comments such as "I don't think the developers do take these things seriously", utter utter tripe and bolderdash. Equally we have complaints about notifications of new releases. I agree, something which pushes info on new releases is required. I've noted this internally before and perhaps now we'll get this implemented. However you can be notified of new package availability by "Monitoring" the phpBB releases at Sourceforge.
Please be aware that you should be fully aware of what software you are using. While we can (and will) do better at giving users notification in future it is your installation ... always keep an eye out for new releases, be it phpBB or anything else.