Page 5 of 52

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:21 pm
by Deriel
About the usernames: in true, the user cannot change his own username. And before the Profile MOD he could.

This is the only complaint from the users

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 12:24 pm
by Ptirhiik
Is the auth to change the username activated in the config panel ?

[edit] check done : the field isn't opened. I start to find where's the error stands.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 1:36 pm
by Ptirhiik
Here it is : re-download the zip, and re-upload to your ftp those files :
  • profile.php
  • profilcp/profilcp_register.php
  • templates/subSilver/profilcp/register_body.tpl
It will work this way :
  • current password is required to the user in order to change his username and email,
  • current password, new password and confirmed new password are required in order to change the password,
  • admin doesn't need any password to change username or email,
    but will need the good one to change the password,
  • the anti-robotic register is no more required to update a profile, only to create one : security level is enough high with the sid and password check
I also fix the redirection issue when admin is editing the registration info of the user (that's why profile.php has been upgraded ;)).

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 2:32 pm
by Deriel
On-line 8)

I think that's everything is ok!

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 2:35 pm
by Ptirhiik
Perfect :) Just let me know if your users needs some extend features ;)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:07 pm
by SimpelScript
//-- mod : profile cp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
$lang['profilcp_index_shortcut'] = 'Home';
$lang['profilcp_index_pagetitle'] = 'Privé profiel home';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_shortcut'] = 'Vrienden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_pagetitle'] = 'Vrienden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_friend_shortcut'] = 'Vrienden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_friend_pagetitle'] = 'Bewerk je vrienden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_ignore_shortcut'] = 'Geblokeerde lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_ignore_pagetitle'] = 'Bewerk je geblokeerde lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_list_shortcut'] = 'Alle leden';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_list_pagetitle'] = 'leden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_profil_shortcut'] = 'Profiel';
$lang['profilcp_profil_pagetitle'] = 'Profiel bewerken';
$lang['profilcp_profil_base_shortcut'] = 'Openbaar';
$lang['profilcp_profil_base_pagetitle'] = 'Openbare informatie';
$lang['profilcp_signature_shortcut'] = 'Ondertekening';
$lang['profilcp_signature_pagetitle'] = 'Ondertekening';
$lang['profilcp_avatar_shortcut'] = 'Avatar';
$lang['profilcp_avatar_pagetitle'] = 'Avatar';
$lang['profilcp_prefer_shortcut'] = 'Voorkeuren';
$lang['profilcp_prefer_pagetitle'] = 'Jouw vourkeuren';
$lang['profilcp_public_shortcut'] = 'Openbaar';
$lang['profilcp_public_pagetitle'] = 'Openbaar laten zien';
$lang['profilcp_public_base_shortcut'] = 'Basis info';
$lang['profilcp_public_base_pagetitle'] = 'Profiel basis info';
$lang['profilcp_public_groups_shortcut'] = 'Groepen';
$lang['profilcp_public_groups_pagetitle'] = 'Groepen waar deze gebruiker in zit';
$lang['profilcp_register_shortcut'] = 'Aanmelden';
$lang['profilcp_register_pagetitle'] = 'Aanmeld info';
$lang['profilcp_admin_shortcut'] = 'Admin';
$lang['profilcp_admin_pagetitle'] = 'info alleen voor de admin';
$lang['profilcp_public_info'] = 'Openbare informatie';
$lang['profilcp_sig_preview'] = 'Onderscrift laten zien';
$lang['profilcp_email_title'] = 'Email adres';
$lang['profilcp_email_confirm'] = 'Email address [controle]';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_messages'] = 'berichten';
$lang['profilcp_password_explain'] = 'Je moet je password overnieuw intypen als je het wil wijzigen';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_add_yourself'] = 'Je kan jezelf niet toevoegen in je vrienden lijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_already'] = 'Gebruiker staat al in de gebruikerslijst';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_ignore'] = 'Toevoeging onmogelijk: genruiker blokeerd je';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_you_admin'] = 'Being an admin or moderator, you can\'t ignore people';
$lang['profilcp_buddy_admin'] = 'Je kan admins of moderators niet blokeren';

$lang['profilcp_username_missing'] = 'Gebruikersnaam mist';
$lang['profilcp_email_not_matching'] = 'Email komen niet overeen.';

$lang['Click_return_profilcp'] = 'Klik %shier%s om terug te keren naar het profiel';
$lang['Click_return_privmsg'] = 'Click %shier%s om terug te gaan naar het privé bericht';
$lang['Friend'] = 'Vriend';
$lang['Online'] = 'Online';
$lang['Offline'] = 'Offline';
$lang['Hidden'] = 'Verborgen';
$lang['Nobody'] = 'Niemand';
$lang['Always_visible'] = 'Altijd laten zien voor deze gebruiker';
$lang['Not_always_visible'] = 'Deze gebruiker wil je niet online zien waneer je verborgen bent';
$lang['Unavailable'] = 'Niet beschikbaar';

$lang['Friend_list'] = 'Vrienden lijst';
$lang['Ignore_list'] = 'geblokeerde lijst';
$lang['New_subscribed_topic'] = 'Aangemelde topics';
$lang['Submit_period'] = 'Zie topics sinds';
$lang['No_new_subscribed_topic'] = 'Geen nieuwe antwoorden bij de aangemelde topics in de last %s dagen';
$lang['No_new_subscribed_topic_at all'] = 'Geen nieuwe antwoorden bij de aangemelde topics';

$lang['Ignore_choosed'] = 'je hebt gekozen om deze genrukker te blokeren';

$lang['Add_to_friend_list'] = 'Toevoegen aan je vrienden lijst';
$lang['Remove_from_friend_list'] = 'Verwijderen van je vrienden lijst';
$lang['Add_to_ignore_list'] = 'Toevoegen aan je geblokeerde lijst';
$lang['Remove_from_ignore_list'] = 'Verwijderen van je geblokeerde lijst';

$lang['Last_visit'] = 'Tijd van je laatste bezoek';
$lang['Other'] = 'Andere....';
$lang['View_user'] = 'Laat me online zien';
$lang['Friend_only'] = 'Alleen vrienden';

$lang['Profile_created'] = 'Je profiel is aangemaakt';
$lang['Profile_created_inactive'] = 'Je profiel is aangemaakt. Maar je account is nog inactief. Bekijk je email om uit te vinden hoe hij geactiveerd moet worden, Als de admin het moet doen moet je wachten tot de admin online is';

$lang['anti_robotic'] = 'Controle plaatje';
$lang['anti_robotic_explain'] = 'Deze controle is ontworpen om te beveiligen tegen aanmeld robots';
$lang['Robot_flood_control'] = 'Het plaatje nis niet het zelfde als wat je intypte';

$lang['Birthday'] = 'Verjaardag';
$lang['Happy_birthday'] = 'Gelukkige verjaardag !';
$lang['birthday_msg'] = 'Hoi %s, <br><br><br> %s wenst je een mooie verjaardag !';

$lang['User_special'] = 'Speciale vrienden voor alleen de admin';
$lang['User_special_explain'] = 'Deze velden zijn niet te wijzigen bij gebruikers. Hier kan je hun status veranderen en andere opties voor de gebruikers.';

$lang['summer_time'] = 'Ben je in een daglicht zuinige zone?';
$lang['User_status'] = 'Gebruiker is actief';
$lang['User_allow_pm'] = 'Kan privé berichten verzenden';
$lang['User_allowavatar'] = 'Kan zijn avatars laten zien';
$lang['User_allow_email'] = 'Kan emails versenden';
$lang['User_allow_website'] = 'Kan zijn www info bekijken';
$lang['User_allow_messanger'] = 'Kan zijn messenger adressen ruilen';
$lang['User_allow_real'] = 'Kan zijn persoonlijke info';
$lang['User_allow_sig'] = 'Kan z\'n onderschrift zien';
$lang['Rank_title'] = 'Rank Titel';
$lang['No_assigned_rank'] = 'Geen speciale rank toegevoegd';

$lang['User_delete'] = 'Delete this user';
$lang['User_delete_explain'] = 'Klik hier om de gebruiker te verwijderen; kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden';
$lang['User_deleted'] = 'Gebruiker is succesvol verwijderd';

$lang['User_fields'] = 'Gebruikers velden';
$lang['Sort_none'] = 'Niet gesorteerd';

$lang['Comp_LE'] = 'is minder dan';
$lang['Comp_EQ'] = 'is gelijk aan';
$lang['Comp_NE'] = 'is anders dan';
$lang['Comp_GE'] = 'is groter dan';
$lang['Comp_IN'] = 'Toevoegingen';
$lang['Comp_NI'] = 'Voeg niet toe';

$lang['Display'] = 'Laat zien';
$lang['Web_info'] = 'Web informatie';
$lang['Messangers'] = 'Messengers';
$lang['Real_info'] = 'Persoonlijke informatie';

$lang['Realname'] = 'Echte naam';
$lang['Home_phone'] = 'Huistelefoon';
$lang['Home_fax'] = 'Thuis fax';
$lang['Work_phone'] = 'Telefoon op je werk';
$lang['Work_fax'] = 'Fax op je werk';
$lang['Cellular'] = 'Cellular';
$lang['Pager'] = 'Pager';
$lang['Gender'] = 'Geslacht';
$lang['Male'] = 'Man';
$lang['Female'] = 'Vrouw';
$lang['No_gender_specify'] = 'Niet bekend';

$lang['Public_view_pm'] = 'Sta priveberichten toe';
$lang['Public_view_avatar'] = 'Laat avatars zien';
$lang['Public_view_sig'] = 'Laat ondertekeningen zien';
$lang['Public_view_img'] = 'laat plaatjes zien';

$lang['Do_not_allow_pm'] = 'This user doesn\'t accept private messages';
$lang['Agree_rules'] = 'By checking this box, you declare having taken knowledge of the terms, and agree with them';
$lang['Disagree_rules'] = 'Je bent het niet eens met de regels van dit forum. je kan dus niet regristreeren';

$lang['Age'] = 'Leeftijd';
//-- fin mod : profile cp --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dutch version. 8)


Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:41 pm
by Ptirhiik
Great thanks SimpelScript :). Can you add also the two $lang[] key from the lang_admin.php ?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:47 pm
by SimpelScript
please wait a minute

//-- mod : profile cp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//-- add
$lang['summer_time_set'] = 'Is dit zomer tijd? (Voeg 1 uur toe aan de locale tijd)';
$lang['Forum_rules'] = 'Forum regels topic id';
//-- fin mod : profile cp --------------------------------------------------------------------------


This is the best mod ever!!! this is AWSOME

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:52 pm
by Ptirhiik
Thanks again :) I will add it to the foreign pack (of course granting you) :).

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 4:53 pm
by SimpelScript
Wait, its invalid. what does

$lang['Cellular'] = 'Cellular';
$lang['Pager'] = 'Pager';

mean? i don't now what that is.


Bug by update prefrensec(or something)
Could not update user table


SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE user_id = 2' at line 21

UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_allow_viewonline = 1, user_viewemail = 0, user_viewpm = 1, user_notify = 0, user_notify_pm = 0, user_popup_pm = 1, user_attachsig = 1, user_allowbbcode = 1, user_allowhtml = 1, user_allowsmile = 1, user_viewavatar = 1, user_viewsig = 1, user_viewimg = 1, user_lang ='dutch', user_style = 1, user_timezone = 1, user_dateformat ='d M Y h:i a', user_summer_time = WHERE user_id = 2

Line : 92
File : /Disk1/www/virtual/

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:40 pm
by Ptirhiik
A cellular is a cellular phone (a pocket phone so ;)), and a pager quite the same, designed to receive remote message on a little device by phone way.

the fix :

Code: Select all

#---[ OPEN ]---------
#---[ FIND ]----------
				user_summer_time		= " . $user_summer_time . "
#---[ REPLACE WITH ]-----
				user_summer_time		= " . $view_userdata['user_summer_time'] . "
# EoM
I will also browse $lang[] key not translated ;)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:02 pm
by Ptirhiik
The dutch $lang[] key which seems not be be translated :

Code: Select all

$lang['Online'] = 'Online';
$lang['Offline'] = 'Offline';
$lang['User_delete'] = 'Delete this user';
$lang['Messangers'] = 'Messengers';
$lang['Cellular'] = 'Cellular';
$lang['Pager'] = 'Pager';
$lang['Do_not_allow_pm'] = 'This user doesn\'t accept private messages';
$lang['Agree_rules'] = 'By checking this box, you declare having taken knowledge of the terms, and agree with them';
Could you check this before I published it with the v 0.0.3 (minor fix and adjustements ;)).

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:19 pm
by anor

Code: Select all

$lang['Online'] = 'Online'; 
$lang['Offline'] = 'Offline'; 
$lang['User_delete'] = 'Verwijder deze gebruiker'; 
$lang['Messangers'] = 'Messengers'; 
$lang['Cellular'] = 'Mobiel nr'; 
$lang['Pager'] = 'Pieper'; 
$lang['Do_not_allow_pm'] = 'Deze gebruiker accepteerd geen prive berichten'; 
$lang['Agree_rules'] = 'Met het aanvinken van deze box, beweer je dat je de voorwaarden kent en dat met je met deze instemt';

Dutch translation complete.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:23 pm
by Ptirhiik
Thanks Anor :)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 6:39 pm
by Ptirhiik
Upgrade to v 0.0.3 to reflect the different changes related within this topic, and also to add minor adjustement to the code. The upgrade from v 0.0.2 to v 0.0.3 is included in the zip file (one line to update, this should go quick ;)). Also included dutch language pack with buttons :).