Custom BBCodes [Deprecated]

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by ric323 »

ze_raph wrote:Is there a way to add a unique identifier in a bbcode html replacement? I was thinking about inserting thread ID or maybe even better author ID, just to make sure someone doesn't post the exact same bbcode.

It might help if I really explain what I'm trying to do, in fact I'm trying to modify this Star Rating BBCode so people can post multiple ratings in the same post/page (with the code provided in the link collisions occur when there are more than one instance of the rating system in one page). It's not such a problem to modify the code there to put an ID (a specific path) to your ratings so they don't collide, however if someone then use the same exact path in another thread, ratings apply to both instances.

Here's my html replacement

Code: Select all

<div class="js-kit-rating" title="" starColor="Golden" path="/fof/{IDENTIFIER}" permalink=""></div><script src=""></script>
What I'd like to have is something unique, not in control of the user between the "/fof/" and the {IDENTIFIER}

If you can't do it with just HTML, then you will need a MOD, not just a custom bbcode.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by primetime33 »

I have handyman's chat installed and want to allow users to chose a font color from a drop down menu with the colors shown. IS this possible and what bbcode would I use?

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by kham619 »

primetime33 wrote:I have handyman's chat installed and want to allow users to chose a font color from a drop down menu with the colors shown. IS this possible and what bbcode would I use?

I am also using that chat and have requested what you are seeking. You should refer back to the thread for the AJAX chat box. ... start=2310
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by primetime33 »

kham619 wrote:
primetime33 wrote:I have handyman's chat installed and want to allow users to chose a font color from a drop down menu with the colors shown. IS this possible and what bbcode would I use?

I am also using that chat and have requested what you are seeking. You should refer back to the thread for the AJAX chat box. ... start=2310
I didnt quite find what I was looking for in your thread link. But I did find what I was looking for on your forum. It is great!!!
I just want to add the font color choices that you have in your chat.
I also sent you a pm.:D
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by kham619 »

primetime33 wrote:
kham619 wrote:
primetime33 wrote:I have handyman's chat installed and want to allow users to chose a font color from a drop down menu with the colors shown. IS this possible and what bbcode would I use?

I am also using that chat and have requested what you are seeking. You should refer back to the thread for the AJAX chat box. ... start=2310
I didnt quite find what I was looking for in your thread link. But I did find what I was looking for on your forum. It is great!!!
I just want to add the font color choices that you have in your chat.
I also sent you a pm.:D
I'll find the link for the code and forward to you. But making adjustments would be a question at the link where I sent u.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Vitrosk »

DJ Andre wrote:Here is my media player -- If you have been working on your own version, when you install this one you gotta make sure to post it again with this new [stream] code, so the post in the SQL database refreshes and adds the new code for this to work.. I get a lot of questions when they tell me why it doesn't work when they refresh their old posted messages with media players --hopefully this isn't the case here.

BBCode usage

Code: Select all

HTML replacement

Code: Select all

<object id="MediaPlayer1" width=300height=230
standby="Loading Microsoft® Windows® Media Player components..."
type="application/x-oleobject" align="middle">
<param name="FileName" value="{URL}">
<param name="AutoStart" value="False">
<param name="ShowStatusBar" value="True">
<param name="DefaultFrame" value="mainFrame">

<embed type="application/x-mplayer2"
pluginspage = ""
src="{URL}" align="middle"
autostart" value="false"


<a href="{URL}">Download</a>
Help line

Code: Select all

Description: Insert your music audio URL
Thanks Andre for this BBCode!

I'm using phpBB v3.0.4, and have been struggling a bit with implementing it up to the point when I replaced all {URL} by {TEXT}. Now it shows the little window in the post instead of [stream]Linktofile[/stream]. But... when pressing the play button:

1. In IE7 it works like a charm.
2. In Firefox v3.0.10 it refuses to play.

I've checked both with mp3 and wmv formats. I find it strange because usually I've problems with IE not with Firefox...

Can you help me there, please?

Edit: Shame on me! :oops: I failed to change one instance of {URL} to {TEXT}, precisely the one in the Firefox section. Sorry for trouble caused!

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by k4nm4n »

Ace1121 wrote:Hi folks. I apologise if this has been answered already. I have used the search function and gone through the first 10 pages of this thread but can't find an answer.

I am trying to make a simple link BBcode but it uses a non http protocol. The link I want to achieve is tmtp://#join=servername. This link will take the user to a particular game server (if the user has the game installed).

I have tried
Usage: [join={TEXT}]{TEXT2}[/join]
HTML: <a href="tmtp://#join={TEXT}">{TEXT2}</a>

But this won't work. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you.
This code considers works well. I wanted to refresh this reply for those who will be looking to.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by casper™ »

hi there..

please can anyone embed this page videos for me..

video example: ... y=&pagina=

thanks in advance..
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by squarevoid »

I was wondering if someone can help me with this BBCode. Been trying to work it out myself, but it just isn't coming out right.

I want a BBCode where a user types in:

and that is automatically converted to a link that will take you to the 5th page of the same topic you are posting on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by ric323 »

squarevoid wrote:I was wondering if someone can help me with this BBCode. Been trying to work it out myself, but it just isn't coming out right.

I want a BBCode where a user types in:

and that is automatically converted to a link that will take you to the 5th page of the same topic you are posting on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That would require a MOD.
There is no way for standard HTML to be able to include the correct topic number, or know how many posts per page the user has selected.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by PHIL63 »

I quickly walked the 134 pages of this topic :shock: .... but I have not found what I was looking for. :cry:

Is it possible to achieve a kind of spoiler that would display the first lines of content and that could display the entire height of the content when we press a button.
(code with or without js).

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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Trogan »

would someone please make a

Code: Select all

to allow the use of html on my forums and make it admin and registerd users only?

-p.s. i know the risks. and i have run over the 134 pages.
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by ric323 »

Trogan wrote:would someone please make a

Code: Select all

to allow the use of html on my forums and make it admin and registerd users only?

-p.s. i know the risks. and i have run over the 134 pages.
Do you really know the risks?
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Trogan »

What about Pming me with the code?

[edit] and duh i do know the risks as i could get hacked but i am pass encodeing my forums/subforums with diff passwords and only giving passwords out to people i know and trust.
:sorry if that was mean but i have been waiting about 5 hours for a reply:

[editoncemore] what about an embead code for embeading games?
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Re: Custom BBCodes

Post by Keith W »

PHIL63 wrote:Hi,
I quickly walked the 134 pages of this topic :shock: .... but I have not found what I was looking for. :cry:

Is it possible to achieve a kind of spoiler that would display the first lines of content and that could display the entire height of the content when we press a button.
(code with or without js).

Did you miss the first post?
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