RFDY RFDY area51
Extension Description:
Infractions extension allows setting custom numeric infraction or points for violation of forums rules. Infractions are set for a certain number of days. The extension allows for setting up rules to move users into various groups upon reaching infraction threshold.
Extension Version:
phpbb 3.1 RC2
- Admin able to set infractions from the topic listing
- Infractions can be set to any numeric value (points) and defined to persist for a specified number of days
- Creating infractions rules which move people to phpbb groups once the user goes over pre-set number of points
- Infractions show up on user info box (for admins) besides each post
- Infractions administration panel for creating rules and setting up categories for often used infractions
- User is PMed after an infraction is created
- Admin can provide user details about the reason for infractions when issuing it
- Admins have access to lists of infractions for easier management
- create $phpbb_root/ext/rfd folder
- cd $phpbb_root/ext/rfd
- git clone
- Go to admin panel -> customize -> extensions. Click on Enable for infractions
- Go to user and groups -> infractions. Set rules URL to the correct value (used in the PM sent on an infraction)
- Make sure your site name is set in General -> Board settings
Creating an infraction
Creating an infraction rule
Listing infractions
Creating an infraction type
Seeing infractions on user's info section
Extension Download: