Extension Name: Activity Stats
Author: combuster
Extension Description::
phpBB 3.1 extension that displays statistics of the latest activities on the boards index site.
This extension is the 3.1.x version of the 3.0.x Activity Stats MOD merged with 3.0.x Who was here? MOD.
NOTE: To increase performance the calculated data is cached (10min by default, adjustable in ACP) - so it might take a while until the stats are updated.
Extension Version:: 1.2.3-DEV
- adjust the timespan that is considered for calculating the "lately" activities in ACP
- show count of new topics, new posts and newly registered users in that timespan ("Activity Stats")
- list of useres who have been active lately ("Who was here?")
- en-/disable new topics in the list (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable new posts in the list (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable new users in the list (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable bots in the list (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable hidden users in the list (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable guests in the record (adjustable in ACP)
- en-/disable visit-time in the list or as "hover" on the name (adjustable in ACP)
- display and store the record (in ACP)
- reset-function (in ACP)
- time is displayed with user-timezone and dst(daylight-saving-time) adjustment of the ucp
- usernames are coloured
- Data is cached to improve performance (cache-time adjustable in ACP)
- permission who can see the stats:
Disabled (default)=everybody can always see the stats (permission is ignored).
Enabled=use user permission like configured in ACP. It can be assigned to users and/or groups. By default its assigned to the roles ROLE_ADMIN_FULL, ROLE_USER_FULL, ROLE_USER_STANDARD.
- zip: https://github.com/RobertHeim/phpbb3_1- ... .3-DEV.zip
- tar.gz: https://github.com/RobertHeim/phpbb3_1- ... DEV.tar.gz
Github: https://github.com/RobertHeim/phpbb3_1- ... ivitystats
- Clone (or download an move) the repository into the folder phpBB3/ext/robertheim/activitystats:
Code: Select all
cd phpBB3 git clone https://github.com/RobertHeim/phpbb3_1-ext-activitystats.git ext/robertheim/activitystats/
- Go to admin panel -> tab customise -> Manage extensions -> enable Activity Stats
- Go to admin panel -> tab Extensions -> Activity Stats -> Settings for configuration
Please donate to any charity organisation or buyme a bear on my blog, Thanks!
Since 1.2.2-DEV
- Bug-Fixes
- Bug-Fixes (especially timezone handling is now much better and phpbb3.1 conform)
- plurals & typos
- *fixed* users that are not allowed to see the stats were not recorded
- more plurals
- improved documentation
- removed permission assignments to forum-roles on installation
- fixed HTML
- added permissions for viewing stats
- mode-selection fixed (e.g. switching from "period of time" to "today")
- better explenation of today-mode
- bug-fixes
- minor bug fixes
- all the "Who was here?"-Features
- several bug fixes
- caching time adjustable
- en-/disable new topics/posts/users
- plurals
- added count of guests that were active in the last 24 hours