the author of this extension never replied to any of its extension so can u help me david. how this extension works ?david63 wrote:Perhaps a good idea for someone - but I don't know who!
There have been so many discussion topics recently about SEO and in all of them it has been pointed out that Meta tags are not used by any of the search engines these days.
While meta description might not be crtical for SEO, it is very important for SERP - which is the description that users see one your site appear in search result, and it should be coherent and to the point.david63 wrote:Perhaps a good idea for someone - but I don't know who!
There have been so many discussion topics recently about SEO and in all of them it has been pointed out that Meta tags are not used by any of the search engines these days.
viewforum.phpKhurramMunawar wrote:what is this my friend. ?? give some more information about the extension. then download page u given is not in English.
viewtopic.php<meta name="description" content="For a page with a list of topics is logical to write a description of this section Forum meta description" />
index forum<meta name="description" content="For those it was intended to take the message to clear from the bbcode and cut the required length" />
Sorry, there was no opportunity to learn English.<meta name="description" content="For the main board page was decided to name the categories and list them separated by commas." />
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bb3mobi\seodesc\event\mb_strlen() in /home/morfeusc/public_html/forum/ext/bb3mobi/seodesc/event/listener.php on line 53
And they have either not enabled and/or installed the mbstring PHP extension.systemcrack wrote: Yesterday my provider has changed the server
I did not understand what you mean.. they say that everything is fine and that I had to turn here to solve. You can tell me what they could have changed that is not well, please?david63 wrote:And they have either not enabled and/or installed the mbstring PHP extension.systemcrack wrote: Yesterday my provider has changed the server
Contact your host.
Thank's a lot!!!!david63 wrote:mbstring needs to be enabled in php.ini
You can check the current settings by going to ACP > System > General tasks > PHP information - in that list there should be a block for mbstring giving the settings.