Extension Name: Hide BBcode
Author: marcovo (original author for the phpBB 3.0 mod: ycl6 )
Extension Description: With the [hide] bbcode, members can hide their message content from people that hasn't posted in their topic.
Extension Version: 1.0.1
Extension Development: https://github.com/marcovo/phpbb_hidebbcode
Extension Download:
- Github: https://github.com/marcovo/phpbb_hidebb ... /1.0.1.zip
- CDB: https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/exte ... idebbcode/ (Once validated)
Place the extension in ext/marcovo/hideBBcode
Warning: Some extensions may work against this extension. For example, see this post telling the Topic Preview extension shows contents from the [hide]-tag, while the contents should not be shown. No extensions are currently checked for this, so please check yourself whether your combination of extensions breaks anything. If it does, please report it and I'll look whether I can fix it. If it doesn't, please report it and I can make a list of compatible extensions

Note [22 jan]: For now, you'll have to add one event yourself before the extension will work. In includes/functions_content.php, add the following on line 414, at the very end of decode_message():
Code: Select all
$vars = array(
global $phpbb_dispatcher;
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('test.decode_message_after', compact($vars)));
In functions_posting.php, on line 1178, add the following lines, just before
$template->assign_block_vars($mode . '_row', array(
:Code: Select all
$vars = array(
global $phpbb_dispatcher;
extract($phpbb_dispatcher->trigger_event('test.topic_review_modify_template_vars', compact($vars)));
Code: Select all
Note [30 jun]: I made a change that enables the usage of this extension with phpBB 3.1.4 . This fix does break if any other extension edits the $draft_id on posting.php, but I guess not many extensions will do so. Because of this, this extension is now completely core-edit-free.
Note [9 aug]: Release version 1.0.0 . Works with phpBB 3.1.4; works best with phpBB 3.1.6 .
Note [1 sept]: Release version 1.0.1 . Fixes an incompatibility with the ABBC extension.
Note [2 sept]: Development has continued, some extra features have been implemented. For more information see this post. Currently there is a feature-freeze until 1.0.2 is released.
Note [11 sept]: Development on version 2.0 has started, aimed at providing compatibility with phpBB 3.2 . Also see the v2.0 github branch.