Extension Name: Social Media Buttons
Author: tas2580
Extension Description:
Adds Social Media Buttons on each thread. To protect the privacy of the users, requestets at the Social Media platforms will be made by the web server. The data will be cached to avoid too many requests. You can choose between 10 different styles for the buttons.
Extension Version: 1.0.0 RC1
Requirements: phpBB > 3.1.4
Demo URL: https://phpbb.tas2580.net/
Extension Download: https://tas2580.net/downloads/phpbb-soc ... a-buttons/
Github Repository: https://github.com/tas2580/socialbuttons
After uploading make ext/tas2580/socialbuttons/cache/ writeable!
Supported Platforms:
- Google+
Shares are not counted
The number of shares will be cached so that you do not make too many querys at the social network. The time for caching can be set in the ACP.
Facebook shows the wrong image or description
This can be a problem with the Facebook cache, go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ and recache your URL.
2 clicks for privacy?
This extension gets the number of shares over the webserver, so there is no connection between the user and the social networks, for that 2 clicks are not needed, your users have full privacy by displaying the buttons. Only when a user clicks on a button to share it will connect to the social network.