Extension Name: Avatars on Memberlist
Author: Wolfsblvt
Extension Description: Shows user avatars on memberlist.
Extension Version: 1.0.3
- PHP: >= 5.4.0
Current Features
- Displays user avatars on memberlist
- Show avatar bigger on hover
- Uses CSS transitions, no javascript!
- Placeholder for users without avatar
- Full subsilver2 support
- Nothing
Extension Download: wolfsblvt.avatarsonmemberlist.zip
GitHub Repository: http://github.com/Wolfsblvt/avatarsonmemberlist/
(Just for viewing purposes, do not install this extension from GitHub!)
More Information:
This was an extension Request made here.
Nothing big. And as Paybas would note here: This can be achieved with style edits only, so there i no big need for this extension. It is just easier

And another note, the hover effect doesn't make the avatar actually fullsize. I couldn't find a way to make this work with css transitions. It shows the avatar on 100px. I think this is a similar width like most boards use for fullsize.
Bug reports for this extension in this thread please, or on GitHub.