shirish_ag75 wrote:This seems to be a one-way relationship, is there a second part to it, where posts and replies to a mailing list is also sent to the forum so the relationship is bi-directional or is that on the roadmap somewhere ?
I had a brief look at but didn't find any TODO.txt or something which will give an outline on what you are thinking about next.
Look forward to know what the future roadmap is.
I had thought about this but didn't really bother looking into it further since the requirements I was given for this didn't include it. Now that the client has what they asked for its possible that there could be some sort of two-way communication to this. Not sure yet though. As it is right now can be considered the final product unless this two-way communication is really desired by a few users.
girello wrote:hello I create a newsletter topic and create a topic that contains text and photos using bbcode .
This mail is sent to all users of the forum viewing in email the link to the page or the content of the topic , or both ?
I was thinking of using it to create a kind of newsletter for my users .
ps: sorry, google translate
BBCode/HTML is stripped from outgoing messages since they are sent in plain text by phpBB. Right now there doesn't seem to be a way to override this either so that's how it has to be until the core is changed.