Author: tumba25
Extension Description: "Ban Hammer" users/spammers directly from their profile. SFS reporting is not finished yet, but the rest is good for testing. Remember backups before testing unstable extensions.
Extension Version: 1.0.0-RC2
Features: Feature List. Use the
- Optionally ban e-mail
- Optionally ban IP
- Optionally move to certain group for banned users
- Optionally delete posts
- Optionally delete avatar
- Optionally delete signature
- Optionally delete profile information
- Optionally report to Stop Forum Spam
- Add a internal (moderators log) reason.
- Add a reason shown to the user
- Default settings in ACP > Extensions and most of them can be changed on the profile page.
Extension Download: ...
Extension Repo:
No more features will be added to this version, only bug fixes. But we welcome suggestions at phpBB Modders