Extension Description: Organize forum index into tabs for each category.
Extension Version:1.0.3
Requirements: At least 1 modern Jquery Library installed in header.
- Sort the categories on the index into tabs
- Sort stats/birthdays and who is online into tabs.
Github Repo:
Extension Download:
Installation Instructions:
- Unzip folder into root/ext/vipaka/index_tabbed.
- Go to ACP->Customize and enable Index tabbed.
To use tabs on only forum categories, delete the following files: index_body_stat_blocks_after.html, index_body_stat_blocks_before.html, the includejs whois.js line in overall_header_head_append.html after the statement indicating where the stat blocks codes begin.
To use tabs on only the who is online/birthdays/statistics, delete the following files: forumlist_body_category_header_before.html, index_body_forumlist_body_after.html, the index_body_markforums_after.html and the includejs forumtabs.js line in overall_header_head_append.html after the statement indicating where the forum category tabs begin.