Author: Stoker
The Adsense & Ads for phpBB EXT gives you option to use Adsense and other ads all over your board.
- Banner in header, display on all pages except UCP
- Banner in footer, display on all pages except UCP
- 3 Banners in viewtopic
- Banner in all search results
- Configuration in ACP
- Option for Adblock message, displays for user with Adblock enabled
- Option for Noscript message, displays for users with javascript disabled
- Option for blocking entire topics for ad block users
- Admin testmode, only admin can view ads. Good for testing
- Permission based. You can set permissions for users and groups to view ads. Default all groups except Bots can view ads
Users with permissions can enable/disable ads in UCP and are allowed to use adblockers. Users without permissions will see the option but will not be able to use it. Will work both on 3.1.X and 3.2.X - Enable/disable the loading.gif
- Choose background color for each ad container
- Adsense Page-Level ads for mobile content
Demo: PhpBB3 BBCodes
Download Adsense & Ads for phpBB
- Copy the entire contents of the repository to
- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
- Click Enable.
- Navigate in the ACP -> Extensions and configure