Extension Description: 3.2 version of phpBB Directory extension
- For a full list of proposed features: app.php/db/extension/phpbb_directory
- phpBB 3.2.1
- Download the repository and unzip it.
- Copy the entire contents from the unzipped folder to phpBB/ext/ernadoo/phpbbdirectory/
- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
- Click Enable.
- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
- Disable phpBB Directory extension
- Remove ext/ernadoo/phpbbdirectory/
- Download the repository and unzip it.
- Copy the entire contents from the unzipped folder to ext/ernadoo/phpbbdirectory/
- Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
- Click Enable.
- Take a beer (optional)
Extension Download: https://github.com/ErnadoO/ext-phpbb-di ... ectory.zip
Author notes: Translations, PR, suggestions and any ideas are welcome