Author: Ger
Extension Description: Fetch plain pasted "magic urls" to render as rich content with the Open Graph Protocol tags, just like you see on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Extension Version: 1.0.0
- phpBB 3.2
- PHP 5.4+
- cURL
- Libxml
- DOMDocument
- DOMXPath
Visitors need Javascript for the rendering, otherwise the links appear as regular phpBB links.
- Let users simply copy and paste their links without hassle
- Parses the OGP image, title and description in a nice looking block
- The entire block is the link
- Falls back to regular HTML title and meta description when possible
- Falls back to regular phpBB links when no (sufficient) OGP data is found
- Fetches OGP data on posting so it doesn't impact each time on rendering
- When posting with
tags the OGP data isn't fetched so your users can choose use regular links in their text when they want to

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