Hi, I am using phpbb3 3.0.5 on my subscription sites. I have created a user defined group called 'premium members' for paying members that has standard permissions to view both the premium and free forums. Guests do not have permissions to view the premium forums, but can 'read only' the free forums. Other non-paying registered users fall into the pre-defined 'registered users' group and have standard access to the free forums, but no access to the premium forums.
My question (and issue) comes into play when a user goes from registered, non-paying to a paid user. The membership software that I am using adds the user to the premium group once they pay. However, it does not make the user defined phpbb 'premium' group as the user's default group. They then do not have access to the premium forums. If I make the user's default group the premium group, then they do have access.
Can someone please explain how the permissions work if a user belongs to more than one group? If the user is in the guests, registered users, and premium group all at the same time, what group gets priority? I thought it might have had something to do with the higher group id, but that does not seem to be the case.
Any help would be appreciated.