- Logging into the ACP sends you back to {ROOT}/index.php and not {ROOT}/adm/index.php
Caused by a missing hidden tag in non-default styles which haven't been fully updated to 3.0.7.
See: http://www.phpbb.com/bugs/phpbb3/58345 and http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p12214455 - This error while updating:
This can happen if you use the wrong update package. e.g. if you use the "3.0.6 to 3.0.7" update package when you are updating from version 3.0.4.PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method diff3::get_num_conflicts() in <docrootpath>/install/install_update.php on line 1519, referer: <test URL>/install/index.php?mode=update&sub=update_db
Note there is a dropdown on the download page to select what version you are updating FROM. - The "View Active topics" function has stopped working in all forums.
There was a bug in the previous versions of phpBB, whereby the option was on, regardless of the admin panel setting. This has now been fixed, so the default "no" option is actually working correctly.
See: http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p12823404
27-jul-2010 - Added "Anchor" tags to each paragraph
30-jul-2010 - Converted paragraph headings into links
20-nov-2010 - Unstickied