Error when importing a smilie pak

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Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

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When the problem started: When attempting to import a smilie pak that was converted from different board (still on phpbb2) using this very nifty application:

Template(s) used: WoWMaevahEmpire from
Version of PHP used: 4.3.11
Database and version used: MySQL 5.0.18

When attempting to import the attached file I get the following error:

The specified package does not contain the appropriate data.

The file appears to be in the right format when I view it in a text editor, but it obviously seems to be missing something. Thanks in advance for your help!!

Argh I can't attach pak or txt files. Okay then, here are the contents of the file:

Code: Select all

'biggrin.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Very Happy', ':D', 
'biggrin.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Very Happy', ':-D', 
'smile.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Smile', ':)', 
'smile.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Smile', ':-)', 
'icon_lol.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':lol:', 
'wink.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Wink', ':wink:', 
'wink.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Wink', ';)', 
'wink.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Wink', ';-)', 
'sad.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Sad', ':(', 
'sad.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Sad', ':-(', 
'eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Surprised', ':o', 
'eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Surprised', ':-o', 
'eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Surprised', ':eek:', 
'confused.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Confused', ':?', 
'confused.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Confused', ':-?', 
'confused.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Confused', ':???:', 
'angry.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':((', 
'angry.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':-((', 
'veryangry2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':veryangry2:', 
'cool.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Cool', '8-)', 
'cool.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Cool', ':cool:', 
'lipsealed.gif', '15', '16', '1', 'lipsealed', ':lipsealed:', 
'kiss.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Kiss', ':x', 
'kiss.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Kiss', ':-x', 
'kiss.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Kiss', ':kiss:', 
'2thumbsup.gif', '25', '16', '1', '', ':thumbsup:', 
'tongue2.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Razz', ':P', 
'tongue2.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Razz', ':-P', 
'tongue2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':tongue:', 
'embarassed.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Embarassed', ':oops:', 
'cry.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Crying or Very sad', ':cry:', 
'blank.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Neutral', ':|', 
'blank.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Neutral', ':-|', 
'blank.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Neutral', ':blank:', 
'idea.gif', '15', '31', '1', 'Idea', ':idea:', 
'icon_twisted.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Twisted Evil', ':twisted:', 
'devil.gif', '19', '22', '1', '', ':devil:', 
'evil.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Evil', ':evil:', 
'icon_exclaim.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Exclamation', ':!:', 
'icon_question.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Question', ':?:', 
'icon_arrow.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Arrow', ':arrow:', 
'rolleyes.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes:', 
'rolleyes2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes2:', 
'rolleyes3.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes3:', 
'rolleyes4.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes4:', 
'rolleyes5.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes5:', 
'dizzy2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dizzy2:', 
'dizzy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dizzy:', 
'inquisitive.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'sceptical', ':inquisitive:', 
'icon_mrgreen.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Mr. Green', ':mrgreen:', 
'biggrin.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'biggrin', ':biggrin:', 
'curtain.gif', '14', '19', '1', 'observing', ':curtain:', 
'wreck.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'shock/paranoia', ':ahh:', 
'anxious.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':anxious:', 
'blush.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':blush:', 
'bomb.gif', '22', '15', '1', '', ':bomb:', 
'imwithstupid.gif', '41', '46', '1', 'I'm with stupid', ':imwithstupid:', 
'bullshit.gif', '54', '38', '1', '', ':bullshit:', 
'book.gif', '23', '24', '1', '', ':book:', 
'bucktooth.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':bucktooth:', 
'cheesy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':cheesy:', 
'cool4.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'too cool', ':toocool:', 
'dead.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dead:', 
'down.gif', '23', '22', '1', '', ':down:', 
'up.gif', '23', '18', '1', '', ':up:', 
'dozey.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dozey:', 
'drunk.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':drunk:', 
'embarassed.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':embarassed:', 
'freak.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':freak:', 
'greedy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':greedy:', 
'heart.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':heart:', 
'huh.gif', '15', '22', '1', '', ':huh:', 
'kiss2.gif', '34', '15', '1', '', ':kiss2:', 
'laugh3.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':laugh:', 
'lips.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':lips:', 
'love.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':love:', 
'nice.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':nice:', 
'shifty.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':shifty:', 
'smoking.gif', '19', '19', '1', '', ':smoking:', 
'sneaky.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':sneaky:', 
'square.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':square:', 
'surprised.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':surprised:', 
'sweatdrop.gif', '17', '15', '1', '', ':sweatdrop:', 
'thinking.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':thinking:', 
'toctoc.gif', '26', '15', '1', '', ':toctoc:', 
'undecided.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':undecided:', 
'vanish.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':vanish:', 
'wacky.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':wacky:', 
'wideeyed.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':wideeyed:', 
'wiseguy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':wiseguy:', 
'puppy_dog_eyes.gif', '17', '16', '1', 'Puppy-Dog Eyes', ':aww:', 
'shocked.gif', '29', '28', '1', 'Big Shock', ':bigshock:', 
'AZZANGEL.gif', '21', '21', '1', 'Innocent', '0:)', 
'AZZANGEL.gif', '21', '21', '1', 'Innocent', ':innocent:', 
'blush.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Blush', ':blush:', 
'frog.gif', '17', '17', '1', 'Ribbbbit!', ':froggie:', 
'goof.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Goofy', ':goof:', 
'nod.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Nod', ':nod:', 
'skull.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Skull and Crossbones', ':skull:', 
'twitchy.gif', '15', '16', '1', 'Twitchy/Shocked', ':twitch:', 
'rofl.gif', '45', '15', '1', 'ROFL', ':rofl:', 
'paranoid.gif', '17', '17', '1', 'Paranoia', ':paranoia:', 
'comfort.gif', '37', '28', '1', '', ':comfort:', 
'deal.gif', '24', '23', '1', '', ':deal:', 
'drummer.gif', '36', '29', '1', '', ':drummer:', 
'guitarist.gif', '23', '22', '1', '', ':guitarist:', 
'singer.gif', '18', '22', '1', '', ':singer:', 
'sleeping.gif', '23', '32', '1', '', ':sleeping:', 
'birthday.gif', '81', '26', '1', 'Happy Birthday!', ':bday:', 
'cussing.gif', '33', '36', '1', 'Flaming Mad', ':cuss:', 
'hammer.gif', '30', '30', '1', '', ':hammer:', 
'hello.gif', '25', '15', '1', '', ':hello:', 
'innocent.gif', '33', '15', '1', '', ':innocent:', 
'juggle.gif', '31', '34', '1', '', ':juggle:', 
'smash.gif', '30', '26', '1', '', ':smash:', 
'brickwall.gif', '30', '15', '1', '', ':brickwall:', 
'dunno.gif', '37', '15', '1', '', ':dunno:', 
'worship.gif', '30', '15', '1', '', ':worship:', 
'clap.gif', '25', '27', '1', 'Yay!', ':clap:', 
'alcoholic.gif', '29', '35', '1', 'Alcoholic', ':alky:', 
'dancingmonkey.gif', '28', '31', '1', 'Get Your Groove On!', ':groovethang:', 
'party3.gif', '24', '45', '1', 'party', ':party3:', 
'army.gif', '18', '18', '1', '', ':army:', 
'artist.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':artist:', 
'whip.gif', '50', '15', '1', '', ':whip:', 
'baby.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':baby:', 
'bandana.gif', '20', '17', '1', '', ':bandana:', 
'beatnik.gif', '22', '18', '1', '', ':beatnik:', 
'biker.gif', '16', '18', '1', '', ':biker:', 
'bobby.gif', '17', '24', '1', '', ':bobby:', 
'borg.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':borg:', 
'bow.gif', '15', '20', '1', '', ':bow:', 
'builder.gif', '19', '21', '1', '', ':builder:', 
'builder2.gif', '17', '21', '1', '', ':builder2:', 
'chef.gif', '21', '26', '1', '', ':chef:', 
'clown.gif', '25', '22', '1', '', ':clown:', 
'cowboy.gif', '25', '23', '1', '', ':cowboy:', 
'crown.gif', '21', '22', '1', '', ':crown:', 
'daisy.gif', '35', '35', '1', '', ':daisy:', 
'cyclist.gif', '15', '21', '1', '', ':cyclist:', 
'disguise.gif', '17', '19', '1', '', ':disguise:', 
'dunce.gif', '15', '26', '1', '', ':dunce:', 
'egypt.gif', '27', '24', '1', '', ':egypt:', 
'elf.gif', '21', '22', '1', '', ':elf:', 
'elvis.gif', '15', '18', '1', '', ':elvis:', 
'fireman.gif', '21', '24', '1', '', ':fireman:', 
'gorgeous.gif', '27', '21', '1', '', ':gorgeous:', 
'hat.gif', '17', '30', '1', '', ':hat:', 
'hat2.gif', '19', '21', '1', '', ':hat2:', 
'indian.gif', '15', '23', '1', '', ':indian:', 
'indian2.gif', '23', '29', '1', '', ':indian2:', 
'jester.gif', '25', '27', '1', '', ':jester:', 
'karate.gif', '20', '18', '1', '', ':karate:', 
'kid.gif', '18', '17', '1', '', ':kid:', 
'mickey.gif', '25', '19', '1', '', ':mickey:', 
'pimp.gif', '22', '23', '1', '', ':pimp:', 
'pirate.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':pirate:', 
'policeman.gif', '19', '20', '1', '', ':policeman:', 
'santa.gif', '18', '30', '1', '', ':santa:', 
'scholar.gif', '17', '18', '1', '', ':scholar:', 
'sick2.gif', '15', '21', '1', '', ':sick:', 
'sombrero.gif', '27', '20', '1', '', ':sombrero:', 
'sultan.gif', '19', '25', '1', '', ':sultan:', 
'sunny.gif', '31', '31', '1', '', ':sunny:', 
'toff.gif', '17', '25', '1', '', ':toff:', 
'toilet.gif', '25', '41', '1', '', ':toilet:', 
'vampire.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':vampire:', 
'silly.gif', '25', '24', '1', 'Silly Face', ':silly:', 
'tongue2.gif', '15', '15', '1', ':p', ':p', 
'hellokitty0002.gif', '32', '32', '1', 'Hello Kitty!', ':hellokitty:', 
'winky.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Cal', ':cal:', 
'flame.gif', '19', '36', '1', 'Kinar', ':kinar:', 
'batting_eyelashes.gif', '18', '18', '1', '*batt*', ':batt:',
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by david63 »

Is this a smilien pack for phpbb2 or phpbb3?
Remember: You only know what you know and - you don't know what you don't know!

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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

The file that I quoted above is in phpbb3 format. It was generated by the application I linked from the smilie pak for a phpbb2 board. The one I'm trying to upload matches the format of the original pak I exported from my phpbb3 board for comparison, so I'm stumped as to what the problem is.

Are there too many smilies or is there something wrong with some of the characters in the file? Is it choking on the special characters in the image descriptions like * or !?
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

I'm still really struggling with this. I'm frustrated that the smilie import function doesn't provide more descriptive errors. I can't tell what's wrong with the file I'm trying to import. If it could at least tell me what line number of the file it's failing on that would be a huge help.

Here's a file that is working. It's an export of the standard smilie pack.

Code: Select all

'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Very Happy', ':D', 
'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Very Happy', ':-D', 
'icon_e_biggrin.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Very Happy', ':grin:', 
'icon_e_smile.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Smile', ':)', 
'icon_e_smile.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Smile', ':-)', 
'icon_e_smile.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Smile', ':smile:', 
'icon_e_wink.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Wink', ';)', 
'icon_e_wink.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Wink', ';-)', 
'icon_e_wink.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Wink', ':wink:', 
'icon_e_sad.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Sad', ':(', 
'icon_e_sad.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Sad', ':-(', 
'icon_e_sad.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Sad', ':sad:', 
'icon_e_surprised.gif', '15', '19', '1', 'Surprised', ':o', 
'icon_e_surprised.gif', '15', '19', '1', 'Surprised', ':-o', 
'icon_e_surprised.gif', '15', '19', '1', 'Surprised', ':eek:', 
'icon_eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Shocked', ':shock:', 
'icon_e_confused.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Confused', ':?', 
'icon_e_confused.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Confused', ':-?', 
'icon_e_confused.gif', '15', '17', '1', 'Confused', ':???:', 
'icon_cool.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Cool', '8-)', 
'icon_cool.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Cool', ':cool:', 
'icon_lol.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Laughing', ':lol:', 
'icon_mad.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Mad', ':x', 
'icon_mad.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Mad', ':-x', 
'icon_mad.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Mad', ':mad:', 
'icon_razz.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Razz', ':P', 
'icon_razz.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Razz', ':-P', 
'icon_razz.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Razz', ':razz:', 
'icon_redface.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Embarrassed', ':oops:', 
'icon_cry.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Crying or Very Sad', ':cry:', 
'icon_evil.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Evil or Very Mad', ':evil:', 
'icon_twisted.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Twisted Evil', ':twisted:', 
'icon_rolleyes.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Rolling Eyes', ':roll:', 
'icon_exclaim.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Exclamation', ':!:', 
'icon_question.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Question', ':?:', 
'icon_idea.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Idea', ':idea:', 
'icon_arrow.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Arrow', ':arrow:', 
'icon_neutral.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Neutral', ':|', 
'icon_neutral.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Neutral', ':-|', 
'icon_mrgreen.gif', '15', '15', '1', 'Mr. Green', ':mrgreen:', 
'icon_e_geek.gif', '17', '17', '1', 'Geek', ':geek:', 
'icon_e_ugeek.gif', '19', '18', '1', 'Uber Geek', ':ugeek:',

Here's the file that's failing...I've removed all the alt descriptions since some of them had single ticks or slashes in them that might have been causing problems, and I've cut it down to the same number of smilies that import in the above file. Neither has made any difference unfortunately.

Code: Select all

'biggrin.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':D', 
'smile.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':)', 
'icon_lol.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':lol:', 
'wink.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ';)', 
'sad.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':(', 
'eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':o', 
'eek.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':eek:', 
'batting_eyelashes.gif', '18', '18', '1', '', ':batt:',
'confused.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':?', 
'confused.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':???:', 
'angry.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':((', 
'veryangry2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':mad:', 
'cool.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':cool:', 
'lipsealed.gif', '15', '16', '1', '', ':x', 
'kiss.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':kiss:', 
'2thumbsup.gif', '25', '16', '1', '', ':thumbsup:', 
'tongue2.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':P', 
'embarassed.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':oops:', 
'cry.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':cry:', 
'blank.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':|', 
'idea.gif', '15', '31', '1', '', ':idea:', 
'icon_twisted.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':twisted:', 
'devil.gif', '19', '22', '1', '', ':devil:', 
'evil.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':evil:', 
'icon_exclaim.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':!:', 
'icon_question.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':?:', 
'icon_arrow.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':arrow:', 
'rolleyes.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':rolleyes:', 
'dizzy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dizzy:', 
'inquisitive.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':eh:', 
'curtain.gif', '14', '19', '1', '', ':curtain:', 
'wreck.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':ahh:', 
'anxious.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':uhh:', 
'blush.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':blush:', 
'bomb.gif', '22', '15', '1', '', ':bomb:', 
'imwithstupid.gif', '41', '46', '1', '', ':imwithstupid:', 
'bullshit.gif', '54', '38', '1', '', ':bullshit:', 
'book.gif', '23', '24', '1', '', ':book:', 
'cheesy.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':cheesy:', 
'dead.gif', '15', '15', '1', '', ':dead:', 
'down.gif', '23', '22', '1', '', ':down:', 
'up.gif', '23', '18', '1', '', ':up:', 
All of the images in the pack are in the smilies directory, and they all have the correct dimensions. I just don't see what else could be wrong with the file. :(
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by A_Jelly_Doughnut »

I went and read through the code used to import a smilie pak...It looked like you pak was valid.

However, the pak importer is very picky.

Code: Select all

'batting_eyelashes.gif', '18', '18', '1', '', ':batt:',
There is no space after that last comma, and in order to recognize the pak, it must be there. Try adding a comma at the end of that line, and see if you can import the pak.

That's almost too picky, if you ask me.
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

Yar, that was totally the entire problem. :( I added that line manually after I ran the conversion application, so it's not the fault of the app at all.

I agree, that is a wee bit of overkill on the format requirements. At the least it would be nice if the importer reported the line number it's failing on...that would have saved me several hours of running down the wrong path.

Thanks so much for your help!!! :D
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

Ahh wow I didn't realise all the smilies were going to appear on the posting page all at once. Is there any way to reinstate the old functionality in phpBB2 of having the first 20 or so smliies appear on the posting page, and the rest on a popup? Or would that require a mod?

I think I've opened a whole can of worms. I'm trying to reorder some of the smilies now using the Edit link and the drop down selection where it says "After --> XXX", I hit submit but it doesn't actually change the order of the smilie, from what I can see. When I use the arrow button links that works though.
Last edited by Shanti on Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Ida »

Santi, I have suggested an answer on the program's topic.

edit: I just reread your post, and understood you had manually modified the converted output... So problem solved :ugeek:

Shanti wrote:Ahh wow I didn't realise all the smilies were going to appear on the posting page all at once. Is there any way to reinstate the old functionality in phpBB2 of having the first 20 or so smliies appear on the posting page, and the rest on a popup? Or would that require a mod?
Er, my converter allows you to display only a proportion of them by default ;)
{<§ Gamall Wednesday Ida §>}
-> phpBB 2 <-> 3 smilies packs convertor (to convert your old packs) ; GaTeX: An ASCII Document Formatting System (to create clean readmes easily, for instance) ; Hiding Glyph: Bytewise Image Steganography (Hide any files into a bitmap image)
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Shanti »

Thanks for your reply Ida! It was completely my own fault that it wasn't working. I added a line to the file after I'd ran your converter, but did not add a space at the end. Your program worked beautifully!

Ahh that's what the 1/0 option on each line is? Sorry I probably should have read your instructions more closely on that before running ahead with the conversion. I didn't realise that's what that flag was doing.

That worked perfectly, thanks so much!
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Re: Error when importing a smilie pak

Post by Ida »

Shanti wrote:Thanks for your reply Ida! It was completely my own fault that it wasn't working. I added a line to the file after I'd ran your converter, but did not add a space at the end. Your program worked beautifully!
*sigh of relief*
Shanti wrote:Ahh that's what the 1/0 option on each line is? Sorry I probably should have read your instructions more closely on that before running ahead with the conversion. I didn't realise that's what that flag was doing. I'll go give it a try now!
Well, as it says, you can either enter 1 and all will be displayed on posting, 0 and none will, or a real p in ]0,1[, and then, each smiley has a probability p of being displayed on posting. So on a large enough collection of smilies, if you enter 0.33 for instance, roughly one third of them, chosen at random, will be displayed on posting.

I just realised I haven't written a readme for this proggy... shame on me. :| Let's say that's because I didn't have GaTeX then :D
{<§ Gamall Wednesday Ida §>}
-> phpBB 2 <-> 3 smilies packs convertor (to convert your old packs) ; GaTeX: An ASCII Document Formatting System (to create clean readmes easily, for instance) ; Hiding Glyph: Bytewise Image Steganography (Hide any files into a bitmap image)

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