Code: Select all
// Send Notifications
if ($mode != 'edit' && $mode != 'delete' && ($auth->acl_get('f_noapprove', $data['forum_id']) || $auth->acl_get('m_approve', $data['forum_id'])))
//remove bbcode from text
$stripped_post_text = $data['message'];
strip_bbcode($stripped_post_text, $data['bbcode_uid']);
user_notification($mode, $subject, $data['topic_title'], $data['forum_name'], $data['forum_id'], $data['topic_id'], $data['post_id'], $stripped_post_text);
Code: Select all
* User Notification
function user_notification($mode, $subject, $topic_title, $forum_name, $forum_id, $topic_id, $post_id, $post_text='')
global $db, $user, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $auth;
Code: Select all
'USERNAME' => htmlspecialchars_decode($addr['name']),
'TOPIC_TITLE' => htmlspecialchars_decode($topic_title),
'FORUM_NAME' => htmlspecialchars_decode($forum_name),
'POST_TEXT' => htmlspecialchars_decode($post_text),
'U_FORUM' => generate_board_url() . "/viewforum.$phpEx?f=$forum_id",
'U_TOPIC' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id",
'U_NEWEST_POST' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&p=$post_id&e=$post_id",
'U_STOP_WATCHING_TOPIC' => generate_board_url() . "/viewtopic.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&unwatch=topic",
'U_STOP_WATCHING_FORUM' => generate_board_url() . "/viewforum.$phpEx?f=$forum_id&unwatch=forum",
Thanks,/language/en/email/forum_notify.txt, added "{POST_TEXT}" (with quotation marks) and some holder post text
/language/en/email/newtopic_notify.txt, added "{POST_TEXT}" (with quotation marks) and some holder post text
/language/en/email/topic_notify.txt, added "{POST_TEXT}" (with quotation marks) and some holder post text
Code: Select all
Subject: New topic notification - "{FORUM_NAME}"
You are receiving this notification because you are watching the forum, "{FORUM_NAME}" at "{SITENAME}". This forum has received a new topic since your last visit, "{TOPIC_TITLE}".
You can use the following link to view forum, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the forum.
If you no longer wish to watch this forum you can either click the "Unsubscribe forum" link found in the forum above, or by clicking the following link:
Kerrith wrote:Hi fpbaum,
Since posting I discovered newpost2mail_beta9 which I installed but can't get to work. I'm not getting a email notifcation of a new post or a reply, neither as a new registered user or as admin.
Thank you,