I would like to test a extension in v3.1

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I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by Galandas »

I would like to test a extension in v3.1
But even Having endeavored to try to understand is there are no successful
You can make a guide with images of the whole steps? :)
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by imkingdavid »

  1. Install phpBB 3.1 in a local/testing environment.
  2. Create an ext/ directory in the root installation folder (the same directory as index.php and viewtopic.php), if it does not already exist.
  3. Download the extension you wish to test and extract it to a new folder.
  4. Extension packages are placed directly into the ext/ directory, but should be in the format of ext/{vendor}/{extension}. Look in the composer.json if you are unsure. The "name" property is the vendor/extension you should use in your folder structure. For instance, for my [pre]fixed extension, the folder structure would: ext/imkingdavid/prefixed. You may need to create the vendor folder. Then, simply place the package folder (e.g. 'prefixed') into the vendor folder.
  5. Now, go to the ACP and click on the Customise tab.
  6. Click on Manage Extensions on the left
  7. In the list, you should see the name of the extension you added. Click "Enable" and confirm.
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by MattF »

An important update to add about ext/{vendor}/{extension}

You should not assume you can just put the downloaded/unzipped folder into: ext/{vendor}/

Downloaded folders from Github often have "-master" added to them, i.e.: "prefixed-master". It would be wrong to use the folder with that name.

Most Extension Developers should have some instructions on the page where you download their Extension about the actual names to use for ext/{vendor}/{extension}

And always, put the contents of the unzipped download folder (not the folder itself) into ext/{vendor}/{extension}

This is how things should look in a phpBB directory, using my extensions as an example:
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by Galandas »

Very clear, thanks to you both, I just tested is installed extension ;)
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by RMcGirr83 »

imkingdavid wrote:
  1. Install phpBB 3.1 in a local/testing environment.
Have the previous issues been settled when trying to do this, eg the issues (sorry can't find the link on area51 atm) I was having with composer and symphony? Pretty sure you know what I am talking about?
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by imkingdavid »

RMcGirr83 wrote:
imkingdavid wrote:
  1. Install phpBB 3.1 in a local/testing environment.
Have the previous issues been settled when trying to do this, eg the issues (sorry can't find the link on area51 atm) I was having with composer and symphony? Pretty sure you know what I am talking about?
If I remember correctly, you were having trouble running composer on windows?

Regardless, If composer is giving you problems, you can download the latest build which has the vendors folder already set up. The "Latest Repository Builds" are nightly, I believe.

If you need to test something that was merged after the most recent build, you can download the most recent build and download the latest from the repository and then just copy the vendor folder from the build. This will work as long as no new dependencies were added since the latest build. If you desparately need to test it before it is built again, you can ask in #phpbb-dev and someone can send you a vendor folder.
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by MichaelC »

imkingdavid wrote:
RMcGirr83 wrote:
imkingdavid wrote:
  1. Install phpBB 3.1 in a local/testing environment.
Have the previous issues been settled when trying to do this, eg the issues (sorry can't find the link on area51 atm) I was having with composer and symphony? Pretty sure you know what I am talking about?
If I remember correctly, you were having trouble running composer on windows?

Regardless, If composer is giving you problems, you can download the latest build which has the vendors folder already set up. The "Latest Repository Builds" are nightly, I believe.

If you need to test something that was merged after the most recent build, you can download the most recent build and download the latest from the repository and then just copy the vendor folder from the build. This will work as long as no new dependencies were added since the latest build. If you desparately need to test it before it is built again, you can ask in #phpbb-dev and someone can send you a vendor folder.
The build is done by bamboo which is our continuous integration software. This means every time something is merged into our repository, our automated tests run (which can take a varying amount of time) and that package is re-built. Therefore it's a lot more recent than nightly builds but will still have a small delay behind the repository.
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by Darkness_demoN »

From where can i find and download extensions ? I wana install some and see them :)
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by imkingdavid »

Right now there are no released extensions, but you can find development versions in the [3.1.x] Extensions in Development forum.
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Re: I would like to test a extension in v3.1

Post by Darkness_demoN »

Oh :D Sorry i didnt see that forum :) Thanx :)
I will install most of the extensions and i will give feedback on them how they can be improve :P

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