confirm_box() no longer works

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confirm_box() no longer works

Post by Kailey »

So, in my bestanswer extension, I use a confirm box to verify the user wants to mark or unmark an answer (relevant controller code). This worked fine in phpBB 3.2.1, but when I click "Yes" or "No", my URL gets changed to http://www.project-w.local/community/answer/answer/mark_answer?p=2&confirm_key=82ZFNE6AF8 (notice the extra "answer"?). I'm hoping it's not something in my code. Can anyone provide insight as to why this isn't working anymore?

Here's a phpBB 3.2.1 board where it's working -
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by david63 »

What do you mean by?
kinerity wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:02 am This worked fine in phpBB 3.2.1
Has it suddenly stopped working or are you using 3.2.1-RC1? If the latter then you should post it in the bug tracker - if the former then what else has changed?
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by Kailey »

david63 wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:59 am What do you mean by?
kinerity wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:02 am This worked fine in phpBB 3.2.1
Has it suddenly stopped working
Yes, for whatever reason, my extension works fine in phpBB 3.2.1. As soon as I upgraded to phpBB 3.2.2-RC1, it started adding the second answer string in the URL. I looked through the changed files and don't see any changed to the confirm_box() function itself. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I was doing wrong first.
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by mrgoldy »

I've had this problem myself a couple of times aswell. I believe it has to do with the URL-rewriting settings.
I found a (bad) work around by checking if that setting is enabled or not.
Mostly I had this problem when I was using AJAX calls to a confirm box.

Could you post the link to the bug tracker, kinerity? Then I can follow any responses there.

P.S. Shouldn't there also be build_hidden_fields in the confirm_box(false) part?
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by Kailey »

posey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:07 pm I've had this problem myself a couple of times aswell. I believe it has to do with the URL-rewriting settings.
I found a (bad) work around by checking if that setting is enabled or not.
I've tried with the URL rewrite setting on and off, no difference (all it does is change the URL to http://www.project-w.local/community/app.php/answer/app.php/answer/mark_answer?p=2&confirm_key=82ZFNE6AF8, basically duplicating app.php).
posey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:07 pm Mostly I had this problem when I was using AJAX calls to a confirm box.
If I could wrap my head around the exact code to get AJAX to work, I would go with that. All it needs to do is update 2 rows in the database, but I don't understand it.
posey wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2018 1:07 pm P.S. Shouldn't there also be build_hidden_fields in the confirm_box(false) part?
No, the only thing required is the check (true/false). See
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by Kailey »

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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by mrgoldy »

Thanks for the tracker link, will keep an eye on it.

And yeah I understand that it works with only the first two parameters supplied, but isn't it best practice to include the hidden fields?
Generally, you will need to supply the first three parameters, while the remaining two are usually fine left default. The second parameter should be a language key used to explain to the user what the confirm box is about. The third parameter, $hidden, should hold html for hidden fields containing all (user-)submitted values needed to get the current script to exactly the state where it is when calling the function.
Anyway this is getting off topic, once again, thanks for the link.
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by Kailey »

Posted this in the ticket but it's worth mentioning here.
Was finally able to track down the code that broke this. Line 2188 in /includes/functions.php - it's from this commit.

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$u_action = reapply_sid($phpbb_path_helper->get_valid_page($use_page, $config['enable_mod_rewrite']), $phpbb_path_helper->is_router_used());
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Re: confirm_box() no longer works

Post by 3Di »

kinerity wrote: Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:03 am Posted this in the ticket but it's worth mentioning here.
... snip ...
Do the same also here pls ... 81&t=52806
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