Thank you for fast respond... I check everything of the user profile permissions in all user groups, I do not see any change like as attachment:david63 wrote:You have changed the user profile permissions for either individual users or for one or more user groups.
Wow! thank you for quick answer....david63 wrote:Use the permissions mask for a user, that will show where the problem lies
Thank you... I shall try it in late afternoon or evening.Brf wrote:You should not be setting permissions like that for individual users. They should be "All No".
Use the permissions masks:
Permissions / permissions masks / View user-based permissions
Type a username in the Find-a-member box and click "View permissions".
Then click the circle-arrow next to the red permission to trace it.
Thank you for quick respond... After changing, still is the same problem....stevemaury wrote:In Group permissions, change the permission for Can change profile field information from No to Yes for the Registered users group.
Thank you very much...Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:your trace for that user shows a never for that permission. go to user permissions, choose that user, change that permission from never to yes or a no. that way, the permissions for the registered user group will take affect.