Extension name: Image Upload
Author: postimage
Extension description: This extension adds a tool to quickly upload and attach images to posts. All the images are uploaded to the http://postimages.org image hosting website, so there is no need to worry about disk space or web server configuration.
When the user uploads an image using this extension's button, the bbcodes for thumbnail and link to the original image are automatically generated and inserted.
Please email [email protected] if you have any problems or questions. Also please see our website http://postimages.org/plugins for info on options and useful tips.
Extension version: 1.0.2
Tested on phpBB version: 3.1.10
Download file: image-upload-phpbb3.zip
File size: 13.12 KiB
Extension overview page: View
Except where otherwise noted, the phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this extension. By installing this extension, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Extension Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.
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