How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

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How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by between3&20chars »

On low-traffic boards or for moderators with limited duties, some time may pass between messages showing up for moderation -- minutes, hours, days, and sometimes weeks.

So far the only way to know if there are messages waiting I have found is to keep checking the queue. There must be a better way, like receiving an email each time a new message comes in for moderation?

A user can subscribe to a forum or topic, but I see no way a moderator can subscribe to a queue or OK messages by email, LISTSERV-style. This is a major problem for me since I'fd like to provide a way moderators can respond quickly to new messages.

Is this feature there somewhere?
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by tbackoff »

between3&20chars wrote:So far the only way to know if there are messages waiting I have found is to keep checking the queue.
That's not the only way to check for post / topic approval.
between3&20chars wrote:There must be a better way, like receiving an email each time a new message comes in for moderation?
You're welcome to request a MOD.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by between3&20chars »

I have not noticed that indicator, yet anyhow, and have been surprised to find messages awaiting in the queue. (For that matter, sometimes it seems the queue is empty when there are actually messages there if I check again. I haven't quite figured that one out yet).

It never occured to me that email notifications would not be a core feature since it seems so basic for timely moderation of sporadic messages and users get email when subscribed topics are posted. (Which is more important?)

I suppose for moderators who constantly are monitoring their boards or who have very busy boards, the need would not be so obvious, but I'm not one of them. I monitor email, but cannot be sitting at a computer with the boards open all the time.

Actually, I don't know why the board does not send a PM to moderators or pop-up a message or do something of the sort when messages are waiting
You're welcome to request a MOD.
Thanks. I don't want to mod my boards. That is a huge pain, I have found them tricky to add, then they break with major updates.' I took a look at the discussions behind each of the ones that seemed even slightly interesting and they seem more an activity for puzzle affictionados than people wanting to spend minimum time running a reliable, straighforward board which is easily updated.

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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by tbackoff »

You could post and RFC over at Area 51 if you are looking for this feature to be included in phpBB. Ascraeus (phpBB 3.1.x) is feature frozen, so you will want to post in the Arsia (phpBB 3.2.x) RFC forum.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by between3&20chars »

t_backoff wrote:You could post and RFC over at Area 51 if you are looking for this feature to be included in phpBB. Ascraeus (phpBB 3.1.x) is feature frozen, so you will want to post in the Arsia (phpBB 3.2.x) RFC forum.
OK. Thanks. maybe I will.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by Brandon Christensen »


Well if your moderators don't log in that often (and you want them to be notified to log in only when a problem occurs) then this suggestion might not be helpful. However, at my forum we installed the 'Moderator Needed' MOD which displays right on the index how many topics need approval or are reported: might be helpful, if its not what you are looking for then you would need to request it.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by personwhoforums »

between3&20chars wrote:On low-traffic boards or for moderators with limited duties, some time may pass between messages showing up for moderation -- minutes, hours, days, and sometimes weeks.

So far the only way to know if there are messages waiting I have found is to keep checking the queue. There must be a better way, like receiving an email each time a new message comes in for moderation?

A user can subscribe to a forum or topic, but I see no way a moderator can subscribe to a queue or OK messages by email, LISTSERV-style. This is a major problem for me since I'fd like to provide a way moderators can respond quickly to new messages.

Is this feature there somewhere?
I agree 100%.

This is one of the most basic and essential features of any good forum or message board.

I was frankly shocked that the developers have neglected to include such a basic feature.

By the way, I also totally agree with the sentiment opposed to installing Mods. I refuse to install any Mods. I need a solid reliable stable simple install, and upgrade. I don't have time for issues caused by Mods, or upgrading with Mods installed. No thanks.

Besides, such simple basic functionality should be included in the core program anyway. We don't need a Mod for adding a Post button. :)
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

remember, just because you think any given function should be required does not mean that anyone else does.

the whole point of a web based board is that you go to the website ( board ) and check it. why even have it if you or your moderators never visit to see what is going on?

I would think that if you care about the board that you would visit at least once a day or at least have a moderator that you can trust to do the same.

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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by between3&20chars »

the whole point of a web based board is that you go to the website ( board ) and check it.
Really? I don't think so, but maybe for you?

The point of having a board is that others can use it.

The owners and moderators may have minimal interest in the content beyond monitoring it and making sure it is not offensive.

Many boards go weeks without activity, then have a flurry of action.

Notification to the managers that there are posts and/or new members requiring attention is an essential function for many of us and the lack of such is a black mark against this particular board. Inasmuch as there are already notification functions present for users, it seems odd that there is nothing for the managers.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by tbackoff »

between3&20chars wrote:The owners and moderators may have minimal interest in the content
Then why own the board in the first place? Turn it over to someone who will give it the attention it needs.

You can't just buy a domain/hosting space, install phpBB, and be done with it. What if your board gets hacked? You can't go "weeks/months" with a hacked board. In fact, I believe some hosts will actually drop you if you board gets hacked and you don't do anything (because hey, you didn't bother to check ;) ). What about updating to the latest version of phpBB? What about making backups so you don't lose data?
between3&20chars wrote:Notification to the managers that there are posts and/or new members requiring attention is an essential function
I am amazed at how many people play the "phpBB must have this feature or it will die!" card, and yet the software is still around. As Lumpy said, what is essential to you may not be to me. Features are added if they bring value to the phpBB community as a whole (not just a select group of people). If you believe this will benefit the community, feel free to post an RFC over at Area51 (link).
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by Pony99CA »

personwhoforums wrote:This is one of the most basic and essential features of any good forum or message board.
I think that it's a secondary feature. User registration and login, the ability to post and reply to messages, etc. are the "most basic and essential fatures". Pretty much everything else, while great to have, is secondary.

That said, it certainly is a reasonable feature to include in the core.
between3&20chars wrote:
the whole point of a web based board is that you go to the website ( board ) and check it.
Really? I don't think so, but maybe for you?

The point of having a board is that others can use it.

The owners and moderators may have minimal interest in the content beyond monitoring it and making sure it is not offensive.
If you don't have interest in the content, why would you start a board? The only other reason that I can think of is to make money, which may be fine for an admin, but your moderators really should be people interested in the content.
between3&20chars wrote:Many boards go weeks without activity, then have a flurry of action.
Then checking the board every day should be very easy if you go weeks with nothing. ;)

I do agree that notifications could be beefed up, though. For example, I would also like one for newly registered users even though I don't have Admin activation.

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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by between3&20chars »

OK. Excuse me for caring enough to make a suggestion.

I can see that constructive suggestions are not appreciated here and that everyone should love phpBB just the way it is. I've used it a long time for some low priority applications due to cost and always assumed that, in time, it would grow up to be like the big boys.

I guess it is worth exactly what we pay for it and I'll have to look elsewhere if I expect to have more than a toy.

Before I go, though, let me point out that the way I knew that there was activity here in this long-dead thread is that I got an email -- exactly the same kind of email I expect to get when someone posts a message needing moderation or a new member signs up. Why that feature is included and not the other beats me.

Anyhow, a word to the wise is sufficient. I've said my bit and I see that am not alone in my opinion.

This is not not my problem. I have alternatives and I am not going to stick around to take abuse from people who have no idea what I do and who apparently think everyone is just like them -- or should be.

Leave the feature out for all I care, and continue to wonder why other BBs outrank this one.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by tbackoff »

Whoa, I think we all need to take a step back.

Nobody is bashing you for making a suggestion. My point was that you called it an "essential feature" and I may not see it as one. Fair enough, everyone has a opinion and is free to express it. However, if you want to to see this feature possibly make it into future releases, you need to post in the proper area (I even linked to the exact forum you could post in).
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by personwhoforums »

I bet the majority of installations are low volume sites. if that's true, such a moderator notification feature would benefit the majority of installations.

No, the purpose of a board is not to babysit it.... no matter how interested in the content you may be. The purpose is to make communication as smooth, effective, and effortless as possible.

Many sites, including some of mine, get new posts only once a week. Why should I be forced to visit the sites every day? And why should my posters be forced to wait hours to days for their post to be approved?

I don't understand why anyone would be opposed to this feature. It would be an optional setting anyway.
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Re: How can Moderators know Messages are in their Queue?

Post by personwhoforums »

PS - This feature probably could have already been added In half the time we've spent debating it. This feature has been requested many times over several years. It absolutely is a basic and absolutely essential feature.

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