I'm not a lawyer*, but to the best of my knowledge, Germany is the only country that requires something like this. Either way, it's easy to add something like this to phpBB3, as per the above links.MMM3 wrote:Hi,
PHPBB3 lacks of an imprint - so we here in germany are IN NO CASE allowed to use it.
I tried many things to add an imprint but i failed... i`m a bit familar with PHP but i think
i made something wrong while trying this. Would be glad, if someone could help me a bit
I wonder why PHPBB3 lacks of an imprint?
Is germany really the only country in tha world with that restrictive law restrictions?
However, there are lawyer firms specialising in tracking down and suing german sites that don't comply with this law. so to stay on the safe side, you should add the impressum if you're running a .de site.Insbesondere der Begriff „geschäftsmäßige Telemedien“ kann zu Unklarheiten bei der Auslegung führen. Nach Angaben des Gesetzgebers sollen rein private Internet-Seiten von der Impressumspflicht ausgenommen werden. Dies wird jedoch nicht näher erläutert. Folgt man dem Wortlaut der Vorschrift, bezieht sich diese allein auf „gegen Entgelt angebotene Telemedien“. Nicht umfasst wären alle Fälle, in denen zwar ein unternehmerischer Hintergrund einer Website klar erkennbar ist, über diese Website direkt aber keine entgeltlichen Leistungen oder Waren angeboten werden. Man kann annehmen, dass eine derartige Einschränkung nicht der Intention des Gesetzgebers entspricht.
No, it must be accessible directly (i.e. opening the main site, then there must be a link to it). But you probably meant a forum link which then would directly go to that topic. However, things go bad once the DBMS is out of order and no site (text) is shown - a static page would be more robust.nw-b39 wrote:have the imprint posted on a pinned topic
Is this law still in effect in Germany? I have German business forums that use phpbb and I don't want to get in trouble but this law just seems to silly to me.Popp Singh wrote:Personaly i would never comply with that law and would take the risk of going to court about it . My personal details are private and will never be displayed publicly . I dont know if there have ever been any cases about this law but in my opinion it clashes with german laws about privacy . I would be gratefull if anyone had anymore information about this and posted it here .
Yes it is.Poppsy wrote:still in effect
Yes it is.Poppsy wrote:this law just seems to silly
Sometimes I wish phpBB had a like/thanks option.Arty wrote:This law actually makes sense. Unlike cookies law that resulted in many websites displaying annoying overlays.
EU should combine them into one law, requiring website owners to create about/impressum page with contact and cookie information and get rid of current stupid cookie law.