Tracker tickets are disregarded

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Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by AmigoJack »

The tracker has numerous tickets from me and the vast majority of them are not processed for years already. Given that a couple of them have "fix version" releases that are outdated by far (i.e. PHPBB3-12101, PHPBB3-11765, PHPBB3-10961 and PHPBB3-10922) I think nobody cares for them anymore, or worse: nobody even sees them in a search anymore. Also tickets were closed without giving an explanation/comment about that step (i.e. PHPBB3-11607, PHPBB3-13102, PHPBB3-11607, PHPBB3-11115 and PHPBB3-10648).

It's not because my tickets are imprecise or even ambiguous. Multiple times I read "create a git pull request", which I refused to create - and I think I'm the vast minority of people even being able to do that, while others aren't even able to create them, not to speak about the code at all (and even then they get denied, as in PHPBB3-15300). This all is unreasonable and inconsistent, I gave up creating tickets and I'm sure other people are scared away, too. It feels like interacting with politicians: no matter how detailled and revealing your issue reports are, it mostly passes by unnoticed, and almost never makes a change.
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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by Dog Cow »

And yet, I remember phpBB development of 12 or so years ago being a lot more closed than it is now, so much of what is available to us now is, at least in my eyes, a big improvement over things in the old phpBB 2.x days.

I realize this doesn't really contribute anything toward the situation that you're pointing to, but it's my observation that phpBB development is a lot more open than it used to be.
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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by 3Di »

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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by AmigoJack »

I have no experience of phpBB development before 3.0.7-PL1, but I do know that JIRA was the not alive back then, but instead a different tracker system was used.

Thanks 3Di - I have no idea why nobody was able to automate closing all the "old" tickets and adding a comment linking to that post - that remains unprofessional. And I have to fear they repeat that when encountering the "unmanageable" stage again. As if they're unable to judge single users that would never create tickets based on assumptions and their texts are still worth to be read - if phpBB treats me like Joe Smith who creates a ticket because of being unable to read a manual then I'll treat phpBB just like Joe Smith.
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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by RMcGirr83 »

I stopped wasting my time with the tracker a long time ago.
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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by Dog Cow »

Ah, interesting. It seems an unintended consequence of making the tracker so available to everyone is that everyone ended up using it! And the developers were overwhelmed. Hum-ho. :cry:
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Re: Tracker tickets are disregarded

Post by 3Di »

The tracker it is always available to everyone.
As long they have the credentials to get in.
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