In file: convert_vb30.php
On line 390:
I edited the code and in the end it was:
Code: Select all
array('topic_title', 'thread.title', 'phpbb_set_encoding'),

And it worked correct.

Code: Select all
array('topic_title', 'thread.title', 'phpbb_set_encoding'),
Code: Select all
'forum_name' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding($row['title']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
Code: Select all
'forum_name' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding($row['title']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
'forum_desc' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding($row['description']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
Code: Select all
'forum_name' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding(htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($row['title']), ENT_QUOTES)), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
Code: Select all
'forum_name' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding(htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($row1['title']), ENT_QUOTES)), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
'forum_desc' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding(htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($row1['description']), ENT_QUOTES)), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
That's not the real problem, the real problem is the function vb_import_polloptionD¡cky wrote:phpBB will take poll option id's only up to 127. To increase, change the poll_option_id column from tinyint to smallint.Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_poll_options` CHANGE `poll_option_id` `poll_option_id` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
Code: Select all
$sql='insert into '.POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE.' (poll_option_id,topic_id,poll_option_text,poll_option_total) values('.$poll_id.','.$topicid.',\''.$poll_option.'\','.$vote[$i-1].')';
Code: Select all
$sql='insert into '.POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE.' (poll_option_id,topic_id,poll_option_text,poll_option_total) values('.$i.','.$topicid.',\''.$poll_option.'\','.$vote[$i-1].')';
Thanks for pointing that out, but shouldn't it be $i-1 to go along $vote[$i-1] and $option[$i-1]? I am unable to test at the moment.Tom V wrote:That's not the real problem, the real problem is the function vb_import_polloptionD¡cky wrote:phpBB will take poll option id's only up to 127. To increase, change the poll_option_id column from tinyint to smallint.Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE `phpbb_poll_options` CHANGE `poll_option_id` `poll_option_id` SMALLINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
It inserts the $poll_id instead of the order $i
OPEN functions_vb30.php
$sql='insert into '.POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE.' (poll_option_id,topic_id,poll_option_text,poll_option_total) values('.$poll_id.','.$topicid.',\''.$poll_option.'\','.$vote[$i-1].')';
Code: Select all
$sql='insert into '.POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE.' (poll_option_id,topic_id,poll_option_text,poll_option_total) values('.$i.','.$topicid.',\''.$poll_option.'\','.$vote[$i-1].')';
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpbb_set_encoding() in /home/fullthrr/public_html/forum/includes/functions_convert.php(1281) : eval()'d code on line 1
Are you using the convertor from the first post in this topic? There is no call to phpbb_set_encoding on line 1281 and the function is definitely there.askhy wrote:Wheni strated the conversion it give me this errorCode: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpbb_set_encoding() in /home/fullthrr/public_html/forum/includes/functions_convert.php(1281) : eval()'d code on line 1
askhy wrote:yes, i downloaded from the first post, put every file in his place like in the tutorial, vb and phpbb are in the same database...
Heh. My fault for not reading your error message closely enough. There is no call to phpbb_set_encoding in includes/functions_convert.php. You have done something wrong and I am not sure what that is. Maybe you have renamed a file?askhy wrote:Wheni strated the conversion it give me this errorCode: Select all
Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpbb_set_encoding() in /home/fullthrr/public_html/forum/includes/functions_convert.php(1281) : eval()'d code on line 1
Code: Select all
Error General
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Duplicate entry '16777215' for key 1 [1062]
INSERT INTO community_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_pass_convert, user_email, user_email_hash, group_id, user_type, user_permissions, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_actkey, user_ip, user_regdate, user_passchg, user_options, user_new, user_inactive_reason, user_inactive_time, user_lastmark, user_lastvisit, user_lastpost_time, user_lastpage, user_posts, user_dst, user_colour, user_occ, user_interests, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_avatar_width, user_avatar_height, user_new_privmsg, user_unread_privmsg, user_last_privmsg, user_message_rules, user_full_folder, user_emailtime, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_notify_type, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_allow_viewemail, user_allow_massemail, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_sig_bbcode_bitfield, user_form_salt) VALUES ('AdsBot [Google]', 'adsbot [google]', '', 0, '', '00', 59, 2, '', 0, 'D, d M Y, H:i', 'es', 1, '', '', 1272613865, 1272613865, 230271, 0, 0, 0, 1272613865, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, '9E8DA7', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', '6b16f61b304ba9b7')
FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error()
FILE: includes/functions_user.php
LINE: 250
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()
FILE: includes/functions_convert.php
LINE: 1883
CALL: user_add()
FILE: install/install_convert.php(1652) : eval()'d code
CALL: add_bots()
FILE: install/install_convert.php
LINE: 1652
CALL: eval()
FILE: install/install_convert.php
LINE: 799
CALL: install_convert->jump()
FILE: install/install_convert.php
LINE: 203
CALL: install_convert->convert_data()
FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 409
CALL: install_convert->main()
FILE: install/index.php
LINE: 286
CALL: module->load()
Is this your first time converting?Paul1978 wrote:i have the following error in the convertor vb3.8.4 to phpbb3, help please..
Code: Select all
Error General SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Duplicate entry '16777215' for key 1 [1062] SQL INSERT INTO community_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_pass_convert, user_email, user_email_hash, group_id, user_type, user_permissions, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_actkey, user_ip, user_regdate, user_passchg, user_options, user_new, user_inactive_reason, user_inactive_time, user_lastmark, user_lastvisit, user_lastpost_time, user_lastpage, user_posts, user_dst, user_colour, user_occ, user_interests, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_avatar_width, user_avatar_height, user_new_privmsg, user_unread_privmsg, user_last_privmsg, user_message_rules, user_full_folder, user_emailtime, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_notify_type, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_allow_viewemail, user_allow_massemail, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_sig_bbcode_bitfield, user_form_salt) VALUES ('AdsBot [Google]', 'adsbot [google]', '', 0, '', '00', 59, 2, '', 0, 'D, d M Y, H:i', 'es', 1, '', '', 1272613865, 1272613865, 230271, 0, 0, 0, 1272613865, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, '9E8DA7', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', '6b16f61b304ba9b7') BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 174 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error() FILE: includes/functions_user.php LINE: 250 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: includes/functions_convert.php LINE: 1883 CALL: user_add() FILE: install/install_convert.php(1652) : eval()'d code LINE: 2 CALL: add_bots() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 1652 CALL: eval() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 799 CALL: install_convert->jump() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 203 CALL: install_convert->convert_data() FILE: install/index.php LINE: 409 CALL: install_convert->main() FILE: install/index.php LINE: 286 CALL: module->load()
phpbb3D¡cky wrote:Is this your first time converting?Paul1978 wrote:i have the following error in the convertor vb3.8.4 to phpbb3, help please..
Code: Select all
Error General SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Duplicate entry '16777215' for key 1 [1062] SQL INSERT INTO community_users (username, username_clean, user_password, user_pass_convert, user_email, user_email_hash, group_id, user_type, user_permissions, user_timezone, user_dateformat, user_lang, user_style, user_actkey, user_ip, user_regdate, user_passchg, user_options, user_new, user_inactive_reason, user_inactive_time, user_lastmark, user_lastvisit, user_lastpost_time, user_lastpage, user_posts, user_dst, user_colour, user_occ, user_interests, user_avatar, user_avatar_type, user_avatar_width, user_avatar_height, user_new_privmsg, user_unread_privmsg, user_last_privmsg, user_message_rules, user_full_folder, user_emailtime, user_notify, user_notify_pm, user_notify_type, user_allow_pm, user_allow_viewonline, user_allow_viewemail, user_allow_massemail, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid, user_sig_bbcode_bitfield, user_form_salt) VALUES ('AdsBot [Google]', 'adsbot [google]', '', 0, '', '00', 59, 2, '', 0, 'D, d M Y, H:i', 'es', 1, '', '', 1272613865, 1272613865, 230271, 0, 0, 0, 1272613865, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, '9E8DA7', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, '', '', '', '6b16f61b304ba9b7') BACKTRACE FILE: includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 174 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_error() FILE: includes/functions_user.php LINE: 250 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: includes/functions_convert.php LINE: 1883 CALL: user_add() FILE: install/install_convert.php(1652) : eval()'d code LINE: 2 CALL: add_bots() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 1652 CALL: eval() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 799 CALL: install_convert->jump() FILE: install/install_convert.php LINE: 203 CALL: install_convert->convert_data() FILE: install/index.php LINE: 409 CALL: install_convert->main() FILE: install/index.php LINE: 286 CALL: module->load()
What is the highest user_id in the vBulletin users table?