boyousif wrote:Unfortunately, all the fourm is like this
forum titles, descriptions, viewforum and viewtopic.
For the topic titles, do this:
OPEN convert_vb30x.php
FINDCode: Select all
array('topic_title', 'thread.title', array('function1' => 'utf8_encode', 'function2' => 'phpbb_set_encoding')), //'utf8_htmlspecialchars'
REPLACE WITHCode: Select all
array('topic_title', 'thread.title', 'phpbb_set_encoding'),
For the forum title and descriptions:
OPEN functions_vb30x.php
FINDCode: Select all
'forum_name' => phpbb_set_encoding($row1['title']),
'parent_id' => (int) $row1['parentid'],
'forum_parents' => '',
// 'forum_desc' => phpbb_set_encoding($row1['description']),
'forum_desc' => htmlspecialchars(phpbb_set_default_encoding(htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($row1['description']), ENT_QUOTES)), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
REPLACE WITHCode: Select all
'forum_name' => phpbb_set_encoding($row1['title']),
'parent_id' => (int) $row1['parentid'],
'forum_parents' => '',
'forum_desc' => phpbb_set_encoding($row1['description']),
The above code appears in two places, so be sure to check both of them.
You want to ensure that forum_name and forum_desc use only the phpbb_set_encoding function.