What's this forum for?

For users who wish to pay for specific services from other members.
NOTE: The phpBB team has no responsibility in these services whatsoever. Usage is at your own risk!
Forum rules
READ: phpBB.com Board-Wide Rules and Regulations
READ: Wanted's Forum Rules

NOTE: All contracts and services provided through this forum are at your own responsibility.
The phpBB Teams will NOT deal with disputes resulting from interactions through this forum.
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Former Team Member
Posts: 7833
Joined: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:54 am
Location: The Netherlands
Name: Jim Mossing Holsteyn

What's this forum for?

Post by JimA »

In the past we've never allowed users to offer money for private work. With the addition of this forum, that's changing.

In here we will be allowing users to post their requests to get work or services completed in exchange for money or other rewards. Feel free to create a topic in this forum if you have any phpBB-related job for which you'd like to pay another member of this community. This topic is here to outline the rules of this section and to serve as a guideline of the posts we do and don't accept in this forum. Remember, this is NOT the support forum. For regular free phpBB support, you can visit the support forums.
  • Only requests are allowed, no topics offering services
    This section is exclusively meant for personal use and requests for help, this means that offering your services without somebody specifically asking for it is not allowed and will result in your post being removed as this is considered spam. Similarly, you have to list what your specific request is in the topic.
  • These are personal contracts between two parties, the phpBB team is not responsible for any potential misconduct
    Be aware of who you're doing business with. We do not give any kind of guarantee for this, so it's your own responsibility to only do business with somebody you feel you can trust and do this in a safe way.
  • Be patient and reasonable
    Be patient when posting in this forum. If you're asking for a large job to be done, it can take some time before somebody replies. Time is limited for everybody and there's no official team taking up these requests. The same goes for rewards. Offering just fame or $10 for a complete re-design of your website is unlikely to gather you any serious responses. Be considerate of this.
  • Jobs should be related to phpBB
    We're a website about phpBB so anything you ask should at least be partly related to phpBB. To use an example, asking to create an avatar for you is fine but recruiting somebody to set up a new webshop is not something that's suited here.
    NOTE: Creating a request with the sole purpose of circumventing existing rules such as to spam your site or to bypass Customisation rules (i.e. extensions and styles) is not allowed.
  • There is a suggested template for using this forum, feel free to use it
    You're not required to use a template, but using this makes it easier for people to get to know what you want done and help them determine if they're interested in the job and if the reward is satisfactorily for them. See an example of a template below. This template will be pasted into every new topic by default to help you, but as said, it's not required to use.

    Code: Select all

    [b]Title/Job Description:[/b]
    [b]Target audience: (e.g. professionals, hobbyists, students)[/b]
    [b]Reward: (e. g. money, backlinks, fame)[/b]
    [b]Preferred contact method: (e.g. PM, e-mail)[/b]
    [b]Link to the board:[/b]
    [b]Detailed description of the tasks:[/b]
  • You can lock the topic after the job is done
    You have the ability to lock your own topic after the job has been completed or if you otherwise wish to receive no more responses. This can be helpful if you don't wish to keep getting private messages after you found somebody to help you.

The moderation of this forum is performed by the Community Team, so feel free to PM any member of this group if you have any questions/concerns. However, we would like to stress again that the usage of this forum is completely your own responsibility. We will not be checking whether somebody is reputable for you and we are not there to resolve disputes about payment in any way.
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Former Community Team Leader
Knowledge Base | Documentation | Board rules

If you're having any questions about the rules/customs of this website, feel free to drop me a PM.

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