List of current translators / how to become one

Having a question about translating phpBB3? Want to discuss and collaborate with people currently translating phpBB3? Here would be the correct place to do so.
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Acyd Burn
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List of current translators / how to become one

Post by Acyd Burn »

The list of current translators can be seen at the relevant language section here.

If you want to translate for one language not listed there please apply here and not only state for which language you want to do the task, but also some additional information (something short about you, if you do this in an community effort with a foreign support site, your envisioned target for starting or finishing the translation, etc.). Mostly those being able to express themselves properly are more likely to be chosen if there is more than one accounting for the task. ;)

Maël Soucaze will be your primary contact within the team regarding translations.

I would like to thank everyone doing these translations as well as everyone wanting to take this very time consuming task. You guys are actively helping in the success of phpBB by your commitment. A big thanks. :)
Vic D'Elfant
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Re: List of current translators / how to become one

Post by Vic D'Elfant »

Please note that now we have a designated application submission form in place, you should no longer be sending PMs to me directly in order to become the maintainer of a given language pack; such PMs will go unanswered.

Thank you for your co-operation :) • DTP, web development & printing
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Re: List of current translators / how to become one

Post by ameeck »

If you need anything regarding language packs and translations, contact me by PM or any other communication channel. Vic d'Elfant is no longer taking care of i18l agenda and switched to the Website team.

Thank you for your understanding.

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