Code: Select all
<label for="notifymod2"><input type="radio" name="notifymod" id="notifymod2" value="2"<!-- IF S_NOTIFY_PM --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /> {L_PM}</label>
Code: Select all
<label for="notifymod2"><input type="radio" name="notifymod" id="notifymod2" value="2"<!-- IF S_NOTIFY_PMN --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /> {L_PM}</label>
Code: Select all
'S_NOTIFY_PM' => ($data['notifymod'] == NOTIFY_MOD_PM) ? true : false,
Code: Select all
'S_NOTIFY_PMN' => ($data['notifymod'] == NOTIFY_MOD_PM) ? true : false,
Code: Select all
'S_NOTIFY_PM' => ($data['notifymod'] == NOTIFY_MOD_PM) ? true : false,
Code: Select all
'S_NOTIFY_PMN' => ($data['notifymod'] == NOTIFY_MOD_PM) ? true : false,
Code: Select all
<label for="notifymod2"><input type="radio" name="notifymod" id="notifymod2" value="2"<!-- IF S_NOTIFY_PM --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /> {L_PM}</label>
Code: Select all
<label for="notifymod2"><input type="radio" name="notifymod" id="notifymod2" value="2"<!-- IF S_NOTIFY_PMN --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /> {L_PM}</label>
Code: Select all
if (($mode == 'post' && $config['notify_post']) || (($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') && $config['notify_reply']) || ($mode == 'edit' && $config['notify_edit']) || $config['notify_approve'])
Code: Select all
if (($mode == 'post' && $config['notify_post']) || (($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote') && $config['notify_reply']) || ($mode == 'edit' && $config['notify_edit']) || ($mode == 'approve' || $mode == 'disapprove' && $config['notify_approve']))
Code: Select all
// Get board admins
if ($config['notify_admin'])
foreach ($auth->acl_get_list(false, array('a_'), false) as $temp => $admin_ary)
foreach ($admin_ary as $temp => $admin_ary)
foreach ($admin_ary as $admin_ary)
$mod_notify_ary[] = $admin_ary;
Code: Select all
// Get global moderators
if ($config['notify_moderator'])
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.user_type
FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u, ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' g
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('g.group_name', 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS') . '
AND g.group_id = u.group_id';
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
if ($row['user_type'] == USER_NORMAL)
$mod_notify_ary[] = $row['user_id'];
Code: Select all
$is_admin = (in_array($mod_id, $admin_ary['a_'])) ? true : false;
Code: Select all
// Is this a global moderator
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_id
FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u, ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' g
WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('g.group_name', 'GLOBAL_MODERATORS') . '
AND g.group_id = u.group_id
AND ' . $db->sql_in_set('u.user_id', $mod_id);
$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
$is_global_mod = ($result) ? true : false;
Code: Select all
if ($is_admin)
Code: Select all
if ($is_admin || $is_global_mod)
There is nothing to have screenshots of - apart from a few ACP options.alecrust wrote:Any screenshots or a more detailed overview of what the MOD can do?
Author Notes wrote:The default setting in the Users Table is set to "yes" so that any new users who are made moderators will automatically receive notifications. If they wish to change their option then they can do this via their UCP.
This is nothing to do with this modKharon wrote:admin and moderator
Notify me on new private messages: yes (fixed) (it isn't changing = no)
Notify me on new private messages: no (fixed) (it isn't changing = yes)
It does work.SteveLeMaster wrote:It would be a nice hack...if it worked.