I think the problem is with google chrome. U can test the feed with any reader like google reader.irdem wrote:hello,
there is a problem with google chrome..
We dont require that MODs follow the code guidelines 100%. Everyone has his own code style, and when we require that it follows precise the coding guidelines no MOD would be approved.tas2580 wrote:There are many problems with this mod, the code is not like the Coding Guidelines, there are mutch " instead of ' then the code is bad indented.
That is a bug within the MOD, and these should be fixed by the author. I didnt test the MOD, so I dont know why these were missed in the validation process.Moreover the feed is not valid, you can check this on http://validator.w3.org/feed/ the date has the wrong format, "&" should be replaced with "&" for example in RSS and for smilies is ./images/... bad, there is missing the board URL, you should replace './images/' with $board_url . '/images/'