3...two of which are cached for five minutes (newest users and top posters).stokerpiller wrote:How many queries does this mod use?
GAH!! I'll fix that in the next release.pavobe wrote:Language file contains "ban_list" comments.
Code: Select all
LEFT JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u ON p.poster_id = u.user_id
Code: Select all
LEFT JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE . ' u ON topic_last_poster_id = u.user_id
Yes.iemonster wrote:Should it be t.topic_last_poster_id instead of topic_last_poster_id?
Looks like you uploaded the html file found in the prosilver directory instead of the one found in the subsilver2 directory of the mod download (Aeroblue is a subsilver2 based style). After you have done that and it still doesn't look "quite right", look at how login_body.html is formatted and compare to the html file from the download and make adjustments to it.slammed83mazda wrote:Edit: Nevermind I got it to show the last 5 topics,members etc.... But I am also having a problem with making the table fit correctly.
Almost every single style is based off of either prosilver or subsilver2. If the template you are using is a prosilver based mod then upload the html file in the root/styles/prosilver/template directory of the mod download, if it is subsilver2 based then upload the html file in the root/styles/subsilver2/template directory of the mod download. You can tell which one your style is based off of by viewing the theme directory of the style. If there are a few (two or so) css files, then it is a subsilver2 based style, if more than that (like 6 or more) then it is a prosilver based style and you would upload/make changes based on the install instructions for that style.ijhtio wrote:I am sorry this is not related to this mod but a generic question...but can something be done so that we need to make changes at one place only and all the styles show the changes...e.g. this mod is displayed perfectly in prosilver and subsilver2 only...but i luv avalon blue...there are many mods that do not display in avalon but in these two...