The modification will hide all bots from users with no privileges to see hidden members.PinoyEngine™ wrote:Will this select only bots allowed to be seen in Whois Online?
Hmmm... you'll have to ask the author of that MOD.NicksNet wrote:how can i hide the bots in the view of last 24 hours?
Author: MartectX
No, it cannot.GemBoard wrote:Can this be turned on and off in the ACP
OPEN viewonline.phpSnorlaxative wrote:How can I hide them from the users with permission to see them as well.. I just don't like seeing bots at all
Code: Select all
if ($row['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && !isset($prev_id[$row['user_id']]))
Code: Select all
if ($row['user_type'] == USER_NORMAL || $row['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER || $row['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
Code: Select all
unset($prev_id, $prev_ip);
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
$online_users['online_users'][$row['session_user_id']] = (int) $row['session_user_id'];
if ($row['session_viewonline'])
$online_users['hidden_users'][$row['session_user_id']] = (int) $row['session_user_id'];
Code: Select all
if ($row['user_type'] == USER_NORMAL || $row['user_type'] == USER_FOUNDER || $row['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
$online_users['online_users'][$row['session_user_id']] = (int) $row['session_user_id'];
if ($row['session_viewonline'])
$online_users['hidden_users'][$row['session_user_id']] = (int) $row['session_user_id'];
This modification does both.themba wrote:The Mods works on viewonline.php page, but I also want to hide them on the board index page, how can I do that? Thank you.