MOD Description: Adds any banner ad (or Google Adsense Ad) after the first post of any topic and in the footer.
MOD Version: 1.0.B1
phpBB Version: 3.0
Author Highway of Life
- Support for Google Adsense Ads (by default) -- or add your own Banner ads
- Adds ad banners after first post in viewtopic and the overall footer
- Style of ads matches subSilver2 and prosilver default theme -- and can easily be modified to fit any prosilver or subSilver2 based themes.
This MOD ads support for the future features that will be added in the coming versions of the Advertisement MOD.
See viewtopic on StarTrekGuide and footer in prosilver or Sniper_Blue styles.
Note: If you are an STG supporter, you must log out before you are able to view the Ads.
STG Support Topic Support Topic
phpBBModders Support Topic
Planned Features
- Support for "Supporters" or "VIP" usergroups permissions to hide ads from them.
- Ad Management, control ad rotation, manage ad banners, manage multiple ad types.
- Ad Reports: View click through rates, page impressions, page impression vs click through reports.
- Ability to activate and deactivate ads.
- Fequency Weight for Banner. This would be how often this banner are to be shown, relative to other active banners at the current time.
- Ability to limit banners to select forums and locations.
- Time Limiting
- Time of day for it to be displayed.
- A start time for it to start being displayed.
- An end time for when the ad should no longer be displayed.
- Ability for Administrator to adjust time management for each ad banner and each location separately.
- Banner hidden after click for a set time limit (per banner or location).
- ACP Configurable ad locations (e.g.: header, footer, viewtopic, viewforum, index, memberlist, etc)
MOD Download:
Support Notes
I will only support the prosilver and subsilver2 edits, all other styles (i.e. Acidtech, Serenity, non-default styles etc) are the responsibility of the user to figure out how to apply the edit.
Time taken for me to figure out what the problem is means less time finishing this MOD and my other MODs. -- You may ask the question, and hope others will answer it, but I do not have time to deal with such issues.
When asking for support, please be a specific and provide as many details as possible, I do not have time to entertain the "it doesn't work" support posts. I will no longer attempt to pry the issue out of you. If you would like support, please be thorough in your question. This again, is for the purpose of allowing me to finish this and my other MODs instead of taking the time to figure out difficult support questions because the user didn’t take the time to explain it in detail.
Thanks for understanding.