MOD Description: Enables the use of the Akismet SPAM detection service to be used with phpBB3 when posting
MOD Version: 0.0.2
MOD Download: Latest Version
Demo Board :
This MOD will enable the use of Akismet with phpBB3. Akismet is a SPAM service - originally for Wordpress but has been ported to many platforms.
What this MOD does is send various things (username, User IP etc) to the Akismet service for spam testing. If it is classified as a spam post or user, it will be blocked. To use this, you will need an API key from Wordpress. These are free. You may get one from
This MOD is currently very simple. It can check based on the 4 criterion & check details on registration... but that's about it. More features are planned for later, but for now testing to make sure that it works would be much appreciated.
The demo board is as above. Guest posting is enabled, and to automatically set Akismet off use the username "viagra-test-123" just so you can see that it actually does work. Note that this doesn't work if viagra-test-123 is anything else, like the post content
- 0.0.2: Incorporates testing at registration
0.0.1: First version. Basic post testing
- ACP page for inputting API key - 0.0.3
Pulling config info from database - 0.0.3
SPAM queue & corrections (spam -> ham) - 0.0.4
Marking posts as spam - 0.0.4/0.0.5?
Feature requests - 0.0.5/0.0.6/1.0.RC