/////////////////////// LANGUAGE CHANGE On Highslide buttons and shortcuts //////////////////
Here you find translations already done:
Change to your
language there:
lang : {
cssDirection: '
loadingText :
loadingTitle :
'Click to cancel',
focusTitle : '
Click to bring to front',
fullExpandTitle : '
Expand to actual size (f)',
creditsText : '
Powered by <i>Highslide JS</i>',
creditsTitle : '
Go to the Highslide JS homepage',
previousText : '
nextText :
moveText : '
closeText : '
closeTitle : '
Close (esc)',
resizeTitle : '
playText : '
playTitle : '
Play slideshow (spacebar)',
pauseText : '
pauseTitle : '
Pause slideshow (spacebar)',
previousTitle : '
Previous (arrow left)',
nextTitle : '
Next (arrow right)',
moveTitle : '
fullExpandText : '1:1',
number: '
Image %1
of %2',
restoreTitle : '
Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.'
OR!!! add to overall_header.............
hs.lang = {
cssDirection: 'ltr',
loadingText : 'Loading...',
loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel',
/////////////////////////////// Highslide.css Tweaks ////////////////////////////////////
/* small margin on thumbnails in attachment */
.highslide img {
margin-right: 10px; /* attacmentbox thumbnail margin */
.attachbox dd {float: left; margin-right: 10px;
/* Add following to Put the image number in front of the caption */
.highslide-number {
display: inline;
//////PROSILVER- Stricter layout and control of the "file comment" under thumbnails in attachment(box) /////
...I use this tweak on my forums.Why?:
-When users write file comment in only some attachment, it messes up strict layout in attachmentbox.
-I use a given height to cover 3 lines in file comment under thumbnail.
-I use a given width to cover when user write a looooong comment.
Code: Select all
<!-- IF _file.COMMENT -->{_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
replace with:
Code: Select all
<div class="highslide-comment"><!-- IF _file.COMMENT -->{_file.COMMENT}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
add new entry :
Code: Select all
.highslide-comment {
background: none;
color: gray;
font-weight: bold;
width: 220px; /* change this*/
height: 40px;
border: none;
overflow: auto;
//////////// Increase php_limit (server tweak)- to allow larger attached images in phpbb /////////
credits: 4_seven
for the .htaccess php_limit increase
open ..../your_forum_folder/, and find:
(can be hidden)
add (anywhere):
128M or 144M (or higher) must be testet on your specific server.Set first to 128M in .htacces-> Upload large pics like 2500x2000,4000x3000,5000x3000px 2-5Mb)...Set to 144M->test again..etc...
This tweak can also be done on remote Hosted Servers like a Webhotel. Usually you only get around 32Mb on cheap webhotels. This tweak increases limit on most servers. Dont mind if a php-test still shows 32Mb, test it with a large attacment image. Dont buy more limit if this tweak works!
///////////// FOLLOWING IS PHPBB TWEAKS I MADE TO GET A (no Mod) GALLERY //////////////////
///////////// WORKS NICE WITH my Highslide 4.1.8 Mod (zoom on thumb)/////////////////
/////////////////////////////////////phpbb image gallery tweak/////////////////////////////////
Make these additional phpbb tweeks to show more pictures in attachment (box):
Screenshot after tweak:
//thumbnails side-by-side instead of one row
.attachbox {float: left;width: 100%;
.attachbox dd {float: left;
(add: "float:left" and remove: "clear: left;"!!!!!!!!)
/////////////// following tweak will remove avatar,pm and other info to the right. ////////////////
like this:
.postbody { width: 98%;
.postprofile {display: none;}
//remove online icon to the right:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST --> online<!-- ENDIF -->
replace with:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST --><!-- ENDIF -->
/////////// Same thumbnail height in attachment.(Looks better when thumb is side by side: /////////
This also prevent upright images from messin up all layout
add in:
.highslide img {
height: 180px; /*aprox height If ACP->Attachment-> thumbnail width=320px */
-You NEED to calculate best height according to your ACP->Attachment-> thumbnail width
(((ACP thumbnail width):4)x3)-25%
-this calculation will show nice 4:3 and 16:9 thumbnails