Unified MOD Install Library (UMIL)
MOD Name: UPS Easy Shop
MOD Version: 0.7.0-Beta
phpBB Version: phpBB 3.0.7-PL1
Demo URL:
Demo Benutzer: testuser
Demo Passwort: tester
Suported styles:
- prosilver XHTML 1.0 Strict valid
- subsilver2 XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid
Main download: Link 1
Alternative download: Link 2
MOD short description: A very easy shop system for the Ultimate Points System
- Permissions for admins and users
- Display of shop shelf on viewtopic and memberlist - can be set in ACP
- Additional plugins for user colors, buy posts
- Additional plugin for a win in the lottery
- Users are allowed to select, which items should be shown in their shelf
- Users are able to throw away items oder sell back items within the UCP
- PM from shop manager to the buyer
- Pagination on all pages
- Donation of bought items
- Shelf can be hidden/displayed in viewtopic
- We now have userlogs - can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- User configuration
- Categories incl. sub-cats
- Automatic refill of the warehouse possible
- Max. number of purchase per item
- Users can sell their items (not items with a function behind!)
- You can now set a max. icon size. The original size remains active, so you can display the full-sized icon either via Highslide or simply in a new window
- And some more ...
Here a short change log with differences:
[CHG] Installer changed to UMIL installer
[CHG] Updated MODx documentation
[NEW] Subsilver2 added - valid
[CHG] Prosilver - now valide
[NEW] Added user permissions
[NEW] Added pagination in Shop, UCP and ACP
[NEW] Name of shop editable in ACP
[NEW] PM from Shop Manager (editable in ACP)
[NEW] German language added
[NEW] Errors fixed according the MPV tool
[NEW] Cash Mod and Simple Points compatibility removed - now only works with UPS
[NEW] Added additional items
[CHG] File structure partly reworked
[NEW] Added navigation links
[NEW] Configuration in ACP completly rewritten
[NEW] No access to Shop in UCP, if Shop is disabled
[NEW] Shelf with items in profile and topic view are disabled, when Shop is disabled
[NEW] You can now see item shelf also in profile
[NEW] You can set in ACP, if item shelf should be shown in topic view and/or profiles
[NEW] Items are shown with images in ACP list of items
[NEW] And much more ....
It is and should be an EASY Shop System!
Have fun with it! femu and Wuerzi