u find this in includes/constants.phpheredia21 wrote:Re: [RC] Share On [Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Digg, MySpace,.
my viewtopic.php does not have // Additional tablesPostby heredia21 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:24 pm
4_seven wrote:from http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopi ... #p12939099
u find this in includes/constants.phpheredia21 wrote:Re: [RC] Share On [Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Digg, MySpace,.
my viewtopic.php does not have // Additional tablesPostby heredia21 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:24 pm
you may provide a proper prefix to this topic ([DEV] [BETA] etc.)
I'll take a look at this sometime soon.Ozo wrote:Just a small suggestion about the facebook share... maybe you could use the FB meta tags.
it helps describe/categorize a bit further what ppl are sharring/liking.
I have answered this on phpBB and BBCodes but I'll answer it here as well.heredia21 wrote:I dont see any subsilver2 edits. Found them. But they are not in latest update. and there is no /theme edits for subsilver2 either
Sorry. I forgot to do this, I edited my own topic for this but forgot to do it here.DavidIQ wrote:Please add a proper topic prefix as per MOD Development rule 3. Thanks!
Hi Jaymie1989, Thanks for continue the MOD i realy don't have the time i don't have any PM from you, but i do recive your mail... Indeed i can't continue with de development, so be my guest to do it... I hope you can make it a lot better...Jaymie1989 wrote:I have continued the development of this MOD here: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=2118227
JesusADS has not replied to my PM's or eMails so I will continue with this and hopefully get it released into the MODs Database
Code: Select all
'SHARE_ON_FACEBOOK' => 'Share on Facebook',
'SHARE_ON_TWITTER' => 'Share on Twitter',
'SHARE_ON_ORKUT' => 'Share on Orkut',
'SHARE_ON_DIGG' => 'Share on Digg',
'SHARE_ON_MYSPACE' => 'Share on MySpace',
'SHARE_ON_DELICIOUS' => 'Share on Delicious',
'SHARE_ON_TECHNORATI' => 'Share on Technorati',