phpBB Part: Forum
MOD Name: Cash Mod
MOD Version: 1.0.0 Beta 1
Author: Handyman
MOD Description: Allows users to receive points/cash for making posts.
Works with:
- phpBB 3.0.2 (prosilver instructions included)
Be sure to download the MOD Version Check from the phpBB MOD Database ... 9&t=691155
Then you will see when updates are available.
Note: Prosilver instructions are included in this download… subsilver will be included probably next week.
SubSilver2 instructions can be found here: ... 577#p79577
- ACP settings to add/edit currencies
- Select which currencies you want to be able to donate or exchange (more on exchange in a later version)
- Exchange rates for all currencies (more on this in a later version)
- Donate link in viewtopic, viewprofile and memberlist
- Class for other MODs to easily integrate with this MOD
- Forum permissions so Admins can select what kind of rewards you receive for posting etc.
- Complete code rewrite
- Included a Cash Class for other MODs to integrate
- Fixed all current issues with the ACP… can add/edit all currencies correctly.
- Added a cash_rates table to keep track of currency exchange rates.
- Added a donate link in viewtopic, viewprofile and memberlist for users to donate to eachother.
- Installer now supports all DBMS types.
- Added the ability to select which currency you want to donate.
- Fixed current issues with the permissions
- Added ability to receive cash for adding polls, voting, posting, replying, adding attachments.
- Added MOD Version check file to check for when Beta 2 becomes available.
Licence: GNU General Public License v2
Screenshots: none yet.
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: 16 Minutes
Format: MODX
Support: Support is given here and in the download topic (I check the download topic more frequently)
Download File: ... 127&t=6691
Donate: Support my mods
Roadmap: Roadmap is currently out of date… I'll update it later on.
My Mod Roadmap: ... html#p8507