Author: Highway of Life
Modification description: - Adds a page to your site that allows you to accept PayPal Donations in multiple currencies and add donators to a supporters group automatically.
This MOD integrates with your existing PayPal account and automatically verifies transactions and notifies the administrator upon successful donation.
Version 1.0.B4 has been released to the public as an update to version 1.0.B3 that was tested by the STG Supporters (the Private Beta Group). This release includes bug fixes discovered in Beta3. The next release (Beta5) will be released to the Private Beta Group once again, with all new features. If you would like to participate in the Private Beta Group (requires donation), please contact me for more information.
No support will be provided for Public Beta4. The Private Beta Group still receives full support for all versions.
Modification version: 1.0.B4
Tested on phpBB version:
- 3.0.0
- 3.0.1
- 3.0.2
- 3.0.3-dev
- English by Highway of Life
- MySQL (all versions)
- MySQLi
- Firebird
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Oracle
- prosilver
- subsilver2 -- Will be available for STG Supporters (Private Beta Testers)
- PHP 5.0 or above -- this MOD will NOT run on PHP4
- Daily currency rate conversions.
- Allows users to donate in the currency of their choice
- User is automatically added to supporters group upon successful donation
- Allows admin to set a minimum donation amount to be added to supporters group
- Test your account setup using the PayPal sandbox
- 18 Currencies supported
- 189 Countries listed
- Integration with PayPal and PayPal Sandbox
- Manual and Automatic transaction verification
- Admin may choose to receive e-mails or private messages upon completed donation
- Transaction logging
- Automatic MOD installation
- ACP Control Panel to control config values
- Wrapper for servers without cURL compiled.
- Full Debugging and Logging control
Known Limitations:
- Unable to define benefits (coming in Beta5)
- subsilver2 styles not yet supported (coming in Beta5)
- In some cases, alternate currencies if donated the minimum amount, won’t automatically add the user to the special group. If the user donated above the minimum in the alternate currency, this is not an issue.
Planned Features:
- Admin definable donation benefits and rewards
- Site donation Goals status and progress
- Site supporters list for users and separately for admins.
- Quick Register: Allows the user to fill out registration (if not registered) while donating.
- Login box to allow users to easily login
- Donation reports
- Integration with Handyman's Cash MOD
- Admin selectable amount of cash points added to user account based on amount donated.
- Option to allow "anonymous donations"
- and more...
Support Topics: Development Topics: (No Support) Screenshots:
-- N/A --
prosilver demo
Download file: ... hp?id=4893
Download topic: ... 127&t=8230
Q. Getting this error:
Code: Select all
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /donate/index.php on line 113: Undefined variable: source
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Q. Multiple PM problem.
A. In the functions_paypal.php file:
Code: Select all
'payment_gross' => $this->data['mc_gross'],
'payment_fee' => $this->data['payment_fee'],
Code: Select all
'payment_gross' => (float) $this->data['mc_gross'],
'payment_fee' => (float) $this->data['mc_fee'],
Code: Select all
'payment_gross' => '',
'payment_fee' => 0,
Code: Select all
'mc_gross' => 0.00,
'mc_fee' => 0.00,
Q. There is an error when attempting to access the sandbox, or when using Google Chrome to donate. Submit brings you to the PayPal home page instead of the correct page.
A. The PayPal URL is set to port 80 (http), but PayPal redirects to port 443 (https), but for some reason, Google Chrome does not handle that correctly.
in functions_paypal.php
Code: Select all
$this->u_paypal = ($config['paypal_sandbox'] || PAYPAL_DEBUG) ? '' : '';
Code: Select all
$this->u_paypal = ($config['paypal_sandbox'] || PAYPAL_DEBUG) ? '' : '';