Classification: Add-on
phpBB Part: Forum
MOD Name: AJAX Quick Edit
MOD Version: 1.0.6
Author: xMave
MOD Description: Allows an option to quickly edit posts without reloading the page.
Works with:
- phpBB3 Gold
- subSilver2
- prosilver
- Quick Edit Button for a quick edit of your post without reloading the page
License: GNU General Public License v2
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~10 Minutes
Plain-text (.txt) Instructions Also Included!
Download: Download removed for security reasons.
Screenshots: (1) (2) (3)
Currently Working On:
- Quick Edit Multiple Posts Simultaneously
- One Edit Button with Go Advanced Option
- BBCode Display
If you need to un-install this MOD, which I suggest you do if you have the version lower than 1.0.5 installed, download version 1.0.0 from here and just reverse the install instruction. THIS IS ONLY IF YOU HAVE A PREVIOUS VERSION INSTALLED!