I see no problems with compability, but it isn't testet with hoteditor.moustafamin wrote:is it compatitble with hoteditor?
Thanks Lefty74lefty74 wrote:very, very cool, had the link already from a mate but its much easier to follow instructions then trying to figure it out myself.
thanks very much
p.s. the install instructions seem a bit muddled up at places
Thanks joebartjoebart72 wrote:One word : GREAT !!!!
Hello saaiberkesaaiberke wrote:I am having problems with this mod.
In Prosilver I see the cursor changing when I hover over the image, when I click it the image is loaded in a new browsertab and doesn't use the highslide functions.
On Subsilver2 and BF_VISTA style, it doesn't work at all.
The iùages in my signature are affected, when I click them, they get a border around them, and that is all
Any ideas what might be wrong?
EDIT: I found what was wrong, the mod is not compatible with the prime links mod.
Well, an hour ago or so I updated the mod instructions and there where an error in the subsilver2 instructionssaaiberke wrote:Thank you very much, it works now. The only problem I have left is that I don't see zoomin.cur in Subsilver2 and themes based on subsilver2, but once the picture opens up I can see zoomout.cur. I also don't see fullexpand.gif on the picture as I do in Prosilver.
I refreshed cache and styles several times
But I'm glad it is already working now
Thank you!
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src="highslide/highslide-full.js"></script>
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/highslide-full.js"></script>
Code: Select all
hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/';
Code: Select all
hs.graphicsDir = '{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/';
Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/gallery_lytebox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
if (window.addEventListener) {
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
} else {
window.onload = function() {initLytebox();}
function initLytebox() {
var imgMaxWidth = {IMAGE_RSZ_WIDTH};
var imgWarning = '';
myLytebox = new LyteBox(imgMaxWidth, imgWarning);
Code: Select all
<a href="{U_IMAGE}" rel="lytebox" title="{IMAGE_NAME}" class="image-resize"><img src="{U_IMAGE}" alt="{IMAGE_NAME}" title="{IMAGE_NAME}" style="max-height: {IMAGE_RSZ_HEIGHT}px; max-width: {IMAGE_RSZ_WIDTH}px;" /></a></div>
Code: Select all
<a href="{U_IMAGE}" rel="highslide" onclick="return hs.expand(this)" title="{IMAGE_NAME}" class="highslide"><img src="{U_IMAGE}" alt="{IMAGE_NAME}" title="{IMAGE_NAME}" style="max-height: {IMAGE_RSZ_HEIGHT}px; max-width: {IMAGE_RSZ_WIDTH}px;" /></a></div>
Code: Select all
cursor: url(highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
Code: Select all
cursor: url({T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur), pointer;
Code: Select all
background-image: url(highslide/graphics/loader.white.gif);
Code: Select all
background-image: url({T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/loader.white.gif);
Code: Select all
background: url(highslide/graphics/fullexpand.gif) no-repeat;
Code: Select all
background: url({T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/fullexpand.gif) no-repeat;
Code: Select all
background: url(highslide/graphics/controlbar4.gif);
Code: Select all
background: url({T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/controlbar4.gif);
Code: Select all
background-image: url(highslide/graphics/controlbar4-hover.gif);
Code: Select all
background-image: url({T_TEMPLATE_PATH}/highslide/graphics/controlbar4-hover.gif);