Latest version: 1.0.10
Download: phpBB3 QuickInstall 1.0.10
What's phpBB Quickinstall?
This script is the phpBB 3.0.x version of the old phpBB 2.0.x quickinstall. The idea is that you can install a phpBB board with a single mouseclick, it will have it's own database, it's own files. What is this useful for, you ask? If you like creating modifications for phpBB, it's best to have a separate install for each mod you are developing. Going through the installation process each time is a pain, so this script will make it easier. Another thing you can do with it is manage these installations, which means you can delete them easily.
What's changed since the phpBB 2.0.x version?
I must say that this script has been totally rewritten for phpBB 3.0.x. I started from null again, but it has many improvements. It uses phpBB3's template system instead of smarty, phpBB3's DBAL instead of my own MySQL-only class that i made for the old version (note that currently only MySQL, MySQLi and MSSQL are supported), and it has a modular structure, which means it's easier for me to add new stuff. I may write some plugins system for it, that's not sure yet though. Another thing that's new is that it uses phpBB3's new admin css, the grey-silverish one.
What's the license?
As it uses phpBB3, it's the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.
To Mike TUMS (Advanced Lamer) for the beautiful logo!