Language-based forums/categories?

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Language-based forums/categories?

Post by Mad_Cat »

I need the phpBB to show forum categories/forums/subforums depending on the language the user has set in his profile (in a multi-language community). Ideally, it would be very nice to see a selector in the "forum properties" tab - like the existing "style" selectors - to select a language, say "All languages/British English/Russian/etc". Is there a working mod doing this, or has nobody ever done this?
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Re: Language-based forums/categories?

Post by Appaz »

that would be perfect!

for example, my board has two languages - english and german. both nationalities are having disvcussions there. both languages... it makes big mess...

would be brilliant if there would be possibility to check, which forum or category belongs to which language.

by default users langage there are shown just his language forums when he opens forum. but user has a choice to view his language (default) or to swith to toher language, or view both...
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